Saturday, July 31, 2010

Guy girls relationship advice plz!!!!!?

my ex boyfriend and i dated for a year and broke up over some flirty txt to the biggest **** in our town( nude pic txt) he was my first love and it really broke my heart. hes 22 im 21 so yes i know what love it. he left for boot camp and technical schooling 6 monthes ago. about a week aqgo he told me how much he missed me and how he regrets the break up with me and how he wanted everything back and i was the best thing for him, he even told me about how his friend got married at family day and he wished it was us( kinda freaked me out a lil). we plan on working things out when he gets back but ';the **** of the town'; is all over his facebook and aprently txt and calls him. i know i cant be mad cuz we're technically not together but what can i do to get over this

i mean it pisses me off cuz this gurl treats him like **** and uses him ( they used to talk) and he dosnt relize he deserves so much better

... like me i love him to death and would do anything for him thats why im giving him a second chance

but sometimes i wonder if he just sd those things cuz hes lonely.

any advice on how to get over, your opion or what not is gratly aprreciated thnaksGuy girls relationship advice plz!!!!!?
Move on, please. Please move on.

It's up to HIM, not YOU, who is on his Facebook or not. He goes on there quite frequently, right? It's not like he abandoned his page and doesn't know what's on there. YOU may think she's ';this and that';, but he may not. Just because YOU think she treats him like crap, doesn't mean HE thinks she treats him like crap. Do you know how many girls I've known, where other girls will put them down and insult them, but I don't find anything wrong with them? Guys see girls differently than girls see girls. I could probably say something bad about a guy, but there'll be a girl who totally disagrees with me. You two are not officially together. It sounds like he likes the girls and wants one here and one there and wants to be ';a young guy having fun';. You said you know what love is, because of your age. Well, he's been in Boot Camp and Technical schooling, and there have been far more important decisions he's had to make in those facilities, than his Facebook contacts. My point? If he's able to go through Boot Camp, then he's not a stupid guy. So, he's not deaf, dumb, and blind when it comes to a Facebook page. That page doesn't carry the weight of decisions that Boot Camp has. He's capable of decisions, and you don't like his decisions. She's there, he likes her, he's interested in her, he's having a nice time with her, and you're also in the picture. Period.Guy girls relationship advice plz!!!!!?
You've got to tell him the truth about how you feel. You've also got to let him know that a relationship with you is not possible if she's a part of his life. Tell him he'll always have a special place in your heart, but you deserve better than what he did to you. In the end, you have to do what's right in your heart. God bless.
the best way to get over a guy is to find a new one. start dating while he is gone. if nothing works out maybe he is the one for you and he did just make a mistake. if you don't try to find something new you won't know if they old thing was good enough.
he's been in boot camp for six months with no sex and he's a guy. do you need me to spell it out? maybe him and the **** are just f buddies and he's trying to get you, too. i wouldn't trust him. don't do it
so wat i would say, is u should join any special activities to get your mind off of him. You could also try dating someone else(when you're ready). This is just what I did when i broke up with my girlfriend.
Maybe he's keeping her around on purpose you know, don't be so naive.
same thing happened to me....probably he's lonely at the time n just wants to b w/ someone
Honestly you should get over him. Guys will say anything and everything to get their ex back from something they did wrong. From the flirty text messages, it really shows that he didn't respect the relationship the way you did. That right there shows that he doesn't have character. I know you like him a lot and everything, but it seems to me that he's using two girls for his different needs. You for your love and her for something else, which isn't right. But ultimately its up to you to gauge if you can truly trust his words.
Sorry I have to disagree with you. He got exactly what he deserves and YOU deserve better! He dumped you once for someone who offered up a plate of something he wanted and he will do it again. You would be smart to cut all ties and tell him he made his bed so sleep in it. What he tells you is only one side of the story. Stop hating on this girl she wasn't the one that did you wrong or had a commitment with you. It just keeps you stuck and makes you bitter. I know someone is waiting for you to come and discover a new love but you never will unless you let go of this loser completely and move on. best wishes.

Blessings, Light %26amp; Love.
As what i just read sounds like you did and still love this guy. As for giving him a chance again. I don't mean to be so negative but he's done it once, he could do it again. Guys don't realize what girls are best for them til its to late. Just like us girls. We always tend to go for the ones who hurt us the most. Do what you think it best for you. Also don't worry about the girl screw her. Hope i helped. =D
Everyone wants to be loved and needed, particularly by the person who just broke up with us. I understand. What could be better than hearing from the man who just told you he didn't want you in his life anymore ... his sad, wistful, ';I miss you so much'; voice on the other end of the phone? It's validating. It's exciting. It's irresistible. But resist you must.

Don't be flattered that he misses you. He should miss you. You're deeply missable. However, he's still the same person who just broke up with you. Remember, the only reason he can miss you is because he's choosing, every day, not to be with you.
k my advice is HE HAD CHEATED ON U.....and he broke up with u...well if i wuz tha 1 that broke up with him 4 no reason and he didnt cheat on me and he asked me back out later then i wudda said yes...but he cheated on u and broke up with u 4 that trash then NO!!!!! dont go back out with that looser he messed up not u...find u a better guy that wont treat u like that trash he cheated on u with...i hope u make tha rite decsion....good luck:)

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