me and my boyfriend have been dating for 5 years now i am 20 and he is 24 we have been Living together for 3 years we just had a baby 2 months ago and i love him very much but i am at the point that i don't think i can take this relationship anymore because of the way he is..when he drinks he is complete *** hole he says mean things to me that a if some one loves you they should not be saying..its like all the respect that he had for me went away i am now sure what hes thinking or what to do.he thinks just because he don't cheat on me its okay for him to be the way he is i am not sure what to do i mean we have a baby its time to grow up any advice would help thanks!!I need some relationship advice?
Move on no one needs a jerk leave him a loan and move ahead with your life.I need some relationship advice?
You just have to sit him down (when hes not drunk) and tell him if he doesn't stop acting crazy and drinking so much, then you will take the child and leave him because who wants their kid around that kind of atmosphere. This is just a suggestion. Tell him you love him but you gotta do whacha gotta do.
Have you sat down with him, looked him in the eyes and told him that he needs to control himself, sure it could be worse but the way he is acting if pushing you away and your self confidence is spiraling downwards?
You gotta talk to him!
Communicate with him!
If he abuses you now while he drinks this won't get better. Trust me I've been there, Either have a talk with him about this or leave, he will one day stop being verbal and start to use his fists. and you have a baby to think about.
He needs to cut back on the drinking, I was with a girl who would get drunk and she would become a ***** for real. You need to tell him to stop acting like an asshole for the sake of the baby.
leave him. the drinking is not good. think of your childs future, growing up with a drinking father. your better off on your own.
Leave him. If he drinks he is dangerous on you and your baby. Find another man that is good and straight. Or don't get married if your 20 you probably shouldn't get married
get a n apartment of you own so u always have a place to turn to and dont get married if your not happy!
leave him, Girl!!!! u don't deserve that! Life is too short!! HAVE FUN!! get u a good man!!
WOW...since you were 15 you have been with him? When did this start?
You need to sit down with him and talk to him. Drinking in a marriage at any age..espeically at HIS age is not good. When alcohol changes your personality it is a problem.
You need to ask him if he will agree to go to counseling and try to save this relationship. You have a cannot allow this child to be around his dad when he is calling you names and having personality changes when he drinks. He has a drinking problem.
He doesn't cheat on you...but he is abusing you. Emotionally, verbally and in time maybe physically. It needs to stop. A relationship is honesty and respect and it takes work.
You are is time for him to grow up and learn his child will emulate him and his behavior. What kind of role model and hero does he want to be in this child's eyes?
If he won't...I think you should go to counseling yourself so you can decide in an informed controlled atmosphere what you want out of life and what you can do to change your situation.
Please don't hesitate to do that...and do it soon. You are too young to have this problem...and your child is depending on you for stability and at least one parent to be an adult.
you need to talk to him when he is not drinking. ask him why he says all these mean things to you when he is drunk or is drinking. tell him how it makes you feel when he says these things. say it all to him in a non judgemental way but tell him you are asking because you are curious and it hurts your feelings. if he continues then maybe you should be thinking about leaving him and finding someplace safe for you and your baby to live. don't tell him that you are thinkingi about leaving or that you are leaving just do it. if you have no place to go then contact a womans shelter. they are listed in the phone book. they will set up a time to come and pick up you and your baby and take you to a safe house. once there they can guide you on what you need to do. i know all this because i have had to do it in my life. i understand that they are much better now than they used to be.
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