Sunday, July 25, 2010

Long distance relationship advice?

Hey everyone. My boyfriend of one year and I are going to be apart this summer. About two months. I know it's not a huge amount of time compared to my mom and dad's 9 months when they were young. But the longest we've been apart is about two weeks. And we're not huge phone people. Granted, we'll both be working hardcore this summer, it's still going to be hard.

Any advice? I plan on sending him a package every week of food or some of my clothes. And before I leave to go back home I'm going to give him my perfume. What else should I do? Any creative things I could do to make this easier?

We both know we're strong and we don't have any doubts about our relationship, but we don't want to be apart that long! It's kind of ruining our summers.

Thanks guys for your help!Long distance relationship advice?
Buy him a web cam so you guys can use live chattingLong distance relationship advice?
facebook or myspace

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