Saturday, July 31, 2010

I need help. Relationship advice.?

Ok. So. I LOVE my girlfriend to death and she loves me that much back. The other day we were talking and she was telling me about past boyfriends because i was curious. She was telling me how they got her into sexual stuff and kissing and getting close and stuff like that. She told me that she didnt really like any of them and feels bad about the past because she feels stupid and sluty for doing it. I told her shes not and shes better. Im not. I cant get it out of my head. She feels so amazing that she shared my first kiss and stuff like i mentioned before but i feel bad i caould do that stuff to her. I am the jealous type, but dont understand why this bothers me. How do i forget this or get over it or talk to her about it?I need help. Relationship advice.?
dude you are my hero! you seem like a down to earth guy! well at least she was honest with you! that shows a good relationship... you guys seem to have an open communication so just tell her how u feel... and i guess you will need to get over this eventually.. and be happy u are with her! good luck man

if u can, can u answer my question?鈥?/a>

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