Sunday, July 25, 2010

I need relationship advice?

me and my fiance have been together for 3 years i love him so much he is a wonderful guy he take care of me work hard ext....

but im unhappy i don't know if its because of him which i can't see why it would be he is so wonderful or it just me . i don't allow my self to be happy i think about everything in a negitive way . i don't know what to do sometime i think about moving home but i relize what i have and if i did i make a big mistake .i think i need to work on myself but i don't know what to do i want our relationship to work out but i afraid it not becauce of me and if i don't change but i don't know how

24 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

Report ItI need relationship advice?
Maybe you are going through a slight depression. You can love someone and still feel unhappy. If you have been going through a large amount of stress (work, school, etc.) that can take a toll on your mood. Set aside some time to yourself and some time with only him. See if you are happy with both, if not youll find your problem.I need relationship advice?
You might want to explore with counsel as to why you are ';unhappy';.

What exact items are making you discontent. Before you subject this man with your misery.
You are bored. You've probably been in the same routine in life for the past five years. You are stagnating.

The reason I don't think you are depressed is because you aren't putting your life down. You aren't saying you wish nothing was happening and usually depressed people just want everything to stop.

You say you need to work on yourself. Make a list of what you think that is. Sounds to me like you need a change of life or something... move to another city close by or do something to change up your routine. It will work wonders...
Sounds to me like you'd do yourself a BIG favor if you went to counseling or therapy.

You obviously have issues; and unless you are willing to face them and work on them, chances are you will continue to feel this sad... and he will finally leave you.

Nobody wants to hang around depressed or dependant people. Sorry, but it is true. Unless Y脰U try to do something to really help you out of this state you are in, you will end up alone.
im not a doctor but do think maybe this may be because your depressed? why don't you visit your doctor it sounds like you are down in the dumps and with depression there doesn't have to be a reason it just happens.
if you love him that much you wouldnt be asking this question.. love is always being happy with the person you are with.
be positie try to lok at it like hes the only thing in your life you are both for each other and thats it.

good luck
you def need to work on you. You should start by maybe talking to somone, something that always helps me is going to work, or maybe school. You should have friends that you can talk to, and confide in.
I am so going through the same thing, and i had to hit rock bottom to see how great things really are I got so negative and depressed (i didn't notice that i was even doing that)that i have recently pushed my husband of 7 years away and i'm having to work on rebuilding everything i've destroyed so talk to a neutral 3rd party to get some advice!! Good Luck Its nice to know I'm not the only person in the world going through this!!!!
I apologize in advance if I am misunderstanding your question.

I think you are saying that you are unhappy...and I don't know enough about your relationship to speculate, but take some time to evaluate it. First off, I would encourage you to NOT marry him if you feel this strongly about your unhappiness.

Seond, if you are unhappy find out why. It may have NOTHING to do with him and perhaps more to do with your own self worth etc. What actvities do you engage in? What friends do you have that are close to you? You mentioned going home, are you far from home, away from what is familiar? You may be feeling homesick and thats all. FInd something to participate in and connect with people who are outside of your relationship. It gives YOU something to do. You canot rely on one person for your happiness, because people will let you down everytime. They cannot be your everything, so don't put that pressure on your soon to be husband. When you have a happy life independant from him, you have something to contribute to the relationship and you will find that TOGETHER you are much happier!

Hope that helps.
you need some counsiling. you sound like you are depressed.
Maybe you should talk to a counselor, friend, or some one you can trust to figure out what the underlying issues are that make you feel so unhappy.
No offensive but your a woman. So even though everything is great, you will find the negative in it.

You might be depressed. Check into that angle and cheer up.
it seems you have too many negative thoughts, it's giving you a bad outlook on life, try thinking more positively if you can, sometimes counseling can help, are you sure this person is right for you? if your having that many negative thoughts, surely somthing has brought all this on, maybe you should examine why you are thinking so negatively

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