Saturday, July 31, 2010

Help with Relationship advice?

need some help last year this girl and I hung out until she went overseas for a semester. Kind of lost contact but over thanksgivign break ran intoeachother again and she initiated contact and started hanging out more and we planned on hanging out over xmas break, which we did, this time more serious. Have plans to hangout when she comes home. We both like each other but she goes to school about seven hours away will be done this spring im done with school. We have both known each other for a long time.i want to keep in contact with her but i dont want to seem desperate or to pushy. We have a great time with each other when we are together, great chemistry, We never really talked about dating or anything we just have fun together, I didnt want to brign it up cuz i knw she would be leavign soon. I more about staying close, talking, hang out a lil and seeing what happens when she comes home What should i do to keep this girl interest level in me high while she is still @ schoolHelp with Relationship advice?
just keep on making plans with her and hanging out

phone conversation is a good thing lol
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