Thursday, July 29, 2010

Need some relationship advice. Girls please help!!?

So this girl I was dating just came out of a long relationship that ended pretty bad and abruptly and she told me she needs time to be single and figure out things before committing to me. She says it has nothing to do with me or how she feels for her ex. I have incredible feelings for this girl and I want to be there for her ,but sometimes i find it so hard to suppress my feelings. We planned to go on vacation together and I am not sure what to do? Every time I am around her those feelings come back. Should I go on the trip with her and if I don't will i ruin my shot with her in the future?Need some relationship advice. Girls please help!!?
Honestly when me and my bf broke up i had the same reason .. i just wanted to live life up for a little bit b cuz i felt really strong about this person and i wanted to have a little fun b4 i got really serious you know. I know its a horrible way to feel but thats what was going through my head. Maybe thats whats up with her to . its possible she really likes you and wants to be with you for a really long time but doesnt want to have ne regrets.... give her some time... a few months maybe ... if she doesnt get in another releationship ne time soon the she still has feelings for you. give her space but dont get out of the picture completly. If you ever talk to her try to talk about something else besides yalls releationship. Ask her about her day or school or work or something to let her know u care about her but dont make it sound desperate. and ps most women like a challenge.. if shes knows ur still head over heals in her mind its like o well i can do whatever i want and he'll still b there .. so ill just take my time... think about it :)Need some relationship advice. Girls please help!!?
Oh, please... the girl is telling you to give her some space but you are NOT listening.

Leave the poor girl alone already.
Check out this free E-book on how to achieve and happy and healthy relationship. It really helped me when I had some problems in my relationship.

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