Monday, August 23, 2010

Please i need relationship advice?

My boyfriend and i broke up about 2 months aqo over a silly arquement. Then a few days later he called and said he made a biq mistake and wanted 2 be toqether aqain. So i said okayy. Then he stopped callinq %26amp; wouldnt return my texts days after we qot back toqether. I wahs hurt becuhs i really loved him %26amp; idk what i did. Then i went to messaqe him on myspace%26amp; there wahs pics of some qirl and it said that wahs his qf. Now today he texted me randomly explaininq the situation sayinq he is sorry %26amp; that my number qot ';deleted'; and he couldnt qet in contacttt%26amp; the qirl hacked into his myspace. I still love him very much buh idk if i should take him backk %26amp; believe him. Help! thanksss (:Please i need relationship advice?
He said he made a mistake because he was feeling the effects of being sex deprived.

Please, learn how to spell.Please i need relationship advice?
pictures dont lie you saw them together online, and if he really wanted to contact you then he wouldve tried harder , and asked around for your number , leave him and go for someone better . dont let someone insult you like that stop wasting your time and dont give him what he wants
Leave him, if he really wanted to contact you he would find his way. Even if a girl hacked his myspace he could have deleted what she put. He's only stringing you along, leave him and find someone better.
He's a jerk...he's taking u for granted. You deserve better, move on
don't hurt yourself sweety, move on... this guy totally hurts you badly many times. he keeps on explaining about it but still doing it. love yourself okay? the guy doesn't deserve your love and care. there are other guys out there for you to divert your feelings. i know it's hard to do so but you have to do it if you love yourself.
It's a whole bunch of bologna! He is lying to you, he never lost your number he was ignoring you. If he has some other chic on his page calling her his girlfriend and not you. He is seriously playing games. He is playing you and I suggest you move on. How does she know his password? How did she get his phone? You need to ask him those questions.
ignore him for a while and avoide him sooner or later he will come crawling back to you

He is not treating you right.

I think you should get over him. Find someone that will treat you with respect.
that sounds really suspicious to me!!

i think he's a cheater and he came back to you once he was alone again

leave him
well if he broke up with u over a little argument than hes not worth it... don't wast your time on him.. anyway hes prob. lying to u about the myspace thing anyway.

good luck!
It sounds to me like your boyfriend just wants a booty-call. He's just tryin to get some stank for his hang low.
The whole situations sounds shady to me. I know this is something you dont want to hear but if he really loved you he wouldnt have let a silly argument get in they way of you two. He would be dedicated to you even if he didnt like what you had to say. The only way a girl can hack into his myspace is if she had his password. Ask yourself : how did she get his password? Was he sharing it with her? Keep your eyes pealed open. Keep your ears cleared, it sounds like you have to be careful with him because it seems like he's trying to cover up his tracks, maybe he's not the right one. However. if you decide to stay with him, be more cautious and careful the second time around. Look for the warning signs. Is he ignoring you? When you talk to each other does it feel like he has nothing to say to you? Is he reading your messages on myspace but not responding to them? Are you the one whos constantly texting him first in order to get him to talk to you? etc. Just be careful, be safe, and be alert. Good luck.
no, i wouldn't believe that. yeah that girl could have hacked into his myspace but i don't like the excuse he gave to you. i think that you should just forget about him, i know that might be hard. but if he's lying to you then he's not worth it. if he's making you feel like crap and it doesn't seem he loves you then girl he's NOT worth your tears and anybody elses! i hope this helps! Good luck, just follow your heart with this one. :)
i was in a situation similar to this. my ex broke up with me for a day, then later said he 'loved me so much and needed me back' so we went out for another week and he called it quits. i think its because he wanted the sex, all my friends think that too. i was told he was interested in another girl(like ur ex) and he also denied it and said that he wanted to be friends and he still randomly txts me.

If i were u i would set a boundry. you might still love him but he'll hurt u again. don't keep going out with him if he's just gonna break up with u again. GOOD LUCK %26lt;3
take him back nd believe him!!! =]

he just might be worth it ;)

Any one with relationship advice?

ok, so i've been with my ex bf for 6 1/2 years...i found out he was cheating on me so we broke up on april 2nd...lately i met a guy last thursday (4/9/09) we exchanged numbers and he's been texting me every day just learning about eachother...we made plans for Friday (tonight) and he text me @ 3pm and said ';so are we still on for tonight?'; i answered him ';yes y?'; he never responded or called so @ 5:30pm i called 830 i text him ';you F'n stood me up! U sux'; responce!

Y do guys give mixed signals...should i continue to talk to him if he calls or text me or should i just stop all communication with him?Any one with relationship advice?
i would call him again afterwards and get an explanation of what happened! Give him another chance if he fails to show up just stop the connection because chances are he'll keep doing this!Any one with relationship advice?
Im in the military, and at certain unexpected times, and without any warning I can disapear for hours,days,months. I dont know his situation but give the guy a chance, it could be an honest mistake, something could have happened, if he dosent call you or answer a txt back the next day, move on, you just broke up with you ex, so I would gurantee you are in a state of loneliness, and are acting on those emotions, give it some time, you should be alone right now, taking some you time, not looking for another guy at the moment.

I need some relationship advice!!?

My boyfriend and I have been together for more than two years now and have lived together for a year. He's a great guy, and I certainly don't want to break up with him.... However, I'm getting to realize we don't ever really DO anything. I'm very active, I love the outdoors, he doesn't as much. I invite him to do things (that I normally do with my family) but he doesnt want to take vacation days for stuff HE doesn't plan and want to do. I'm feeling a little restless, like I SHOULD be having more fun in life.

And it probaby wouldn't hurt to mention that we never have sex anymore. According to him, he's just not that sexual of a guy. I know these things are common in relationships, but we are mid 20s....shouldn't things be more exciting and active?

Any advice/words of wisdom?I need some relationship advice!!?
I'm sure everyone will tell you to leave him and move on. But I was in a very similar situation when I was your age. And let me tell you, if this is someone you really love and want a future with, you have to work hard at the relationship. It's totally salvageable. The biggest thing you have do is communicate. Don't make accusatory statements or try to guess what the other person is thinking. Just state what you feel and why so you %26amp; he can work out your issues.I need some relationship advice!!?
Yes I'd assume by this age you'd be all about sex and parties but for most people their relationship leans towards the romantic side, but that still doesn't mean there's no sex.

Your relationship lacks both sex and romance,

there's no passion and to be honest there's no way to change it as long as you're with him.

If you want to do things he doesn't, but don't want to break up with him just do these things with someone else (Not a guy, obviously), if he doesn't want to it's not a crime. Let him be.

Good luck!
My best friend is in this same situation. Unfortunately, they broke up because all he like to do is stay home, eat and watch movies, and whenever she asked to go out and do something fun, he'd get mad, and sometimes even jealous and overprotective. I would say keep asking him to do these outdoor activities with you, tell him how much you love him and how you're trying to make your relationship more fun and exciting.
I think the ';lack of sex interest'; is due to his inactivity... if you stay inside and do nothing, you will do nothing.. you need to talk to him.. if you are an active person and he isn't, you either need to break up and move on or you do your stuff and he does his.. you don't always have to be together... it is OK to have ';your lives';... maybe get his input on the vacation plans.. have him there when plans are made..
It's time to move on. He isn't going to do the things you want to, it will only get worse and create unnecessary fights.

no sex, come on, sorry to say, but he just doesn't sound into it. I did this once and the relationship was more conveinance than anything.

Save yourself now, get out and find someone you are more compatible with.
Well, it sounds like you may be in a slump. But I agree that you should be having a lot of fun and especially having sex. I would talk to him about it because usually what you see is what you get and do you want to spend the rest of your life not having fun or sex?
My advice to you would be to tell your husband all of this! Let him know you feel restless and want to get out more! Maybe he has things he would like as well. Communication is key in a good, healthy relationship. Talk to him and make sure he knows that you want to do more, he might be clueless. Good luck with everything!!

He should be banging you like a screen door in a hurricane.

Marriage does NOT ';make things better.'; Neither does having a baby.

People's flaws and bad habits only get worse in marriage since people tend to think ';i'm married, now i can relax.';

it's a him problem.

find someone who rocks your socks off in all the areas YOU find important.
That's not the way relationship are or should be everyone has to compromise he needs to do things you want sometimes like vacations and go out on occasion just like you have been staying home with him because he is a homebody talk to him and try to get him to compromise.
You are young and you don't need this. I would seriously think about your future and think about if you want to invest any more time with this guy. Think about it don't need to be unhappy and unfulfilled in the bedroom (if you know what I mean). I know it may seem scary but really give it some thought.
It is your choice,it sounds like your in your 50's not 20's.You only get one life, either live with it or go out and do stuff yourself and either he come along or you find someone else who will.You will only regret not doing so latter when it is to late.
You are young and as an older woman I am telling you it will only get worse. You are not made for each other. You will be sooooo bored with your life and believe me you have many many years to go. You may love him but is he ';THE ONE'; for you. Something to think about....
you should try and tell him that your upset because other couples do stuff together and that you feel that he doesnt want to co-operate and that he thinks that there are better things to do than spend time with you.
They should,well if you haven't sexed it's not something weird,I am not a sexual guy too!But,lived one year or not,if you don't love him break up.If you love him,how he is boring?
ok this is wat u need to do tell him that i can't stay stuck in side as u said and so he wants to well may be u can go for a walk and then yall can just talk about things. well yall need to talk
You should be having the time of your life right now. Ask yourself...Would I be better off with him or without him? Go from there.
hells yes he should jumping on you every day and taking you out doors and jumping on you there too.
Your question should read ';My best friend and I ...'; He does love you, not as a woman, tho.

I think that about explains it, huh?
things should be more exciting. when you've been with someone for a long time it does dwindle from how it used to be. ask youself this--%26gt;can you see yourself without him? if you can picture yourself living life and he's not in view then i think you know what to do. if you can't imagine a day without him then find out his schedule and plan things together (i hear white water rafting is a lot of fun! just an idea). sit down and talk to him. it sounds like he might be bored (because he's boring!)...once he bucks up the sex might be looking up too....
I am 23 and my girlfriend is 19,we always are planning and discussing holidays,daytrips,meals out and activities.Like you I am very active and at your age things should be exciting and want to be able and enjoy your free time to do things that are different and fulfilling.I would suggest you just say you are feeling restless staying in constantly and you want to get out and enjoy more things with him, it will also keep the relationship strong.Say its getting repetitive,show him holidays online and try to tell him all the exciting things you could whilst awiay or days out,if you are enthusiastic it may start to rub off.If he doesnt start to come round to these idea's then maybe thats the way he is going to stay and do you want to regret not doing things you desire to do?Dont let him stop you and I hope you can drum into him theres more to life then work and television.As for the sex, well that is unusal,if I dont have sex for more then two days I get frustrated!Try spicing it up,read up on it and try and do new things.Best of luck and hope he gets more up and go:)
It should be more exciting and more active. Have you offered your boyfriend to get out and have some alone time and do something that he likes doing. This could help if you spend alot of time together. It could be that he is not very sexually active. This is rare but men face this sometimes, even young men. He could also be having some trouble in this area and that is very senstive for men to talk about, which is why some claim to just not be very sexually inclined. I would talk to him and tell him that you want time with him and that you feel you are drifting apart and ask him suggestions of things that he would like the two of you to do together to try and spark things up a bit.
hi i understand where your coming from but im a little younger than you and me and my boyfriend have been dating for 2 years also. He is also very lazy and never wants to do anything, i just sat down and we kind of talked it out and we both decided to make changes so that we can compromise on things that one or the other wants to do. Just like you I love the outdoors but all he does is want to just sit and lay around . We had to change our ways to benifit for the both of us ! Just talk it out ! hope i helped!
Wow he does not sound like the one for you.. How frustrating it must be for you he is def not the one for you! Imagine if there is no fun and no sex now what it would be like if you actually married this guy.. sounds like another ex couple to add to the divorce rate.. You need to move on and find someone with similar interest trust me. My sister in law is going through a divorce after being married 1 year simply because shes active hes lazy and she wants sex and he says hes not a sexual type person and so on.. leave now before you regret staying
While reading your question I noticed how you never mentioned what he likes to do. Ask him what he likes to do as a hobby or just becuase he's still young and needs to get out of the house. and about the sex life, you can't always just expect him to start, lead him on, foreplay. You may not know this, well I got it from Cosmo mag that your cell phone is the ultimate sex toy. You can send a steamy video to him while at work or with the gang and moan etc. And text him dirty thoughts, this will get him excited, but to keep it going make him wait. That will help him last longer. Maybe hes the type of guy who likes to chill and watch movies, this gives you extra girl time too. Sometimes you gotta get him up and out and make him expierence it and see if he likes it. Even trick him!

Tell him your taking him some where he goes and likes and instead plan a ride in a hot air balloon and a bike ride or walk, whatever you like to do. But dont over push him and make him angry.

Good luck

- Cait
I was in the same situation as your going thru and I thank everyone for there help and advice while I was going thru it. I found a song that really gave me strength to hold on. It took one year and now my prayers have been answered. I feel like a newlywed again.

These are words from THIRD DAY(Wherever You Are) that really touched my life. Go to there site and listen to these songs. May God give you strength and I will be praying for you.

I won't pretend to know what you're thinking

I won't begin to know what you're going through

I won't deny the paint that you're feeling

But I'm gonna try and give a little hope to you.

Just remember what I've told you

There's so much you're living for

There's a light at the end of this tunnel

There's a light at the end of ths tunnel

For you, for you

There's a light at the end of this tunnel

Shinin bright at end of this tunnel

for you, for you

So keep holdin on

You've got your disappointments and sorrows

You ought to share the weight of that load with me

Then you will find that the light of tomorrow

Brings a new lite for your eyes to see


To everyone who's lost someone they love

Long before it was their time

You feel like the days you had were not enough

when you said goodbye

And to all of the people with burdens and pains

Keeping you back from your life

You believe that there's nothing and there is no one

Who can make it right

There is hope for the helpless

Rest for the weary

Love for the broken heart

There is grace and forgiveness

Mercy and healing

He'll meet you wherever you are

Cry out to Jesus, Cry out to Jesus

For the marriage that's struggling just to hang on

They鈥檝e lost all of their faith in love

They've done all they can to make it right again

Still it's not enough

For the ones who can't break the addictions and chains

You try to give up but you come back again

Just remember that you're not alone in your shame

And your suffering

When your lonely

And it feels like the whole world is falling on you

You just reach out, you just cry out to Jesus

Cry to Jesus

To the widow who suffers from being alone

Wiping the tears from her eyes

For the children around the world without a home

Say a prayer tonight
  • cleansing diet
  • Experienced people, what relationship advice would you give the young?

    Time and time again I see questions posted on Yahoo answers regarding relationship problems that younger people are experiencing. At the ripe old age of 32, I find myself either chuckling or reminiscing about a similar situation I had at a younger age.

    Knowing what you know now with regards to love/relationships, what would you tell someone younger or less experienced?

    Me :

    1) No, it is not the end of the world, you will get over him/her.

    2) Yes, there ARE others out there.

    3) Don't settle for fear of being alone.

    4) Affairs don't make for good relationships

    5) Don't expect him to leave her for you.

    6) Don't ruin your dreams for him/her.Experienced people, what relationship advice would you give the young?
    how to mend their broken hearts how to make them optimistic how to forget the past how to live on the present and looking forward to the the future.Experienced people, what relationship advice would you give the young?

    let small things go

    don't settle for less

    your probably not in love at 15.

    wait for the one

    Need help with relationship advice? Thanks?

    Why do some guys who are in their young 20's propose or get married with knowing their girlfriend for 3-4 months only, and some wait for a few years. My best friend her husband proposed to her in 4 months and they have been married for 4 yrs now and very happy. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 yrs and no proposal yet. I want him to know I don't want to wait forever and let him know this is important to me. What are some cute down to earth ways to bring up you are ready for marriage and would like a proposal and try to motivate him or things to say to make him think about it without seeming forceful?Need help with relationship advice? Thanks?
    just bring up the subject when you two are having a really close conversation about the future. ask him what kind of wedding he dreamt about as a child and ask him where he sees you two in the next 5 years.Need help with relationship advice? Thanks?
    puh-leeeeeze do not ask him ';where is our relationship going?'; Just tell him straight up ';Marriage is important to me. Is it important to you?'; Reasons to kind of back up that scary statement IS important! ';All of my friends are getting married and I'm feeling like I'm not keeping up with them.'; ';I think I'd look great in a white dress.'; are NOT good reasons. ';I want to spend the rest of my life with you and your smelly socks'; IS a good reason. By the way, IS spending the rest of your life with this particular person your goal? Or is it acheiving a milestone? Think carefully about your reasons for wanting to be married. If more folks considered the consequences of their actions there'd be less divorces.
    In casual conversation ask him where he sees the two of you in the future as in 1 or 2 years. If he says he doesn't know then maybe you should just ask him if he's planning on getting married and if so to who and when.
    Try reading this free e-book called 97 steps to a happy relationship. I've read it (a while ago) and I still think about the advice given in it.

    JEALOUSY! plesae help..urgent relationship advice needed!?


    i have known this guy for awhile now, about a year. Everybody knows we have a 'thing' or we are linked to each other because he liked me as soon as we met and we used to look like we were together everytime we went out with friends (we kissed/held hands) were both 18 btw. Its really confusing because everybody says they dont understand why i go near him because although hes popular everyone says im wayy out of his leaugue and i have been with way hotter guys!

    this has been going on awhile and i change my mind about him all the time, he has asked me out but i have said no and laughed it off alittle, but i get jealous everytime i see him with other girls even though i sometimes try not to show it. although we still speak hes showing interest in one particualr girl and its making me really upset, if i see pictures of them together it really hurts me. i know if i wanted i could go out with him, but its really hard to explain because im scared of getting close to him because people say he cant be trusted!! i honestly dont no what to do- but i have though about this and dont think i only want him because he likes someone else..! i think about him alot and im not really bothered about what people think, i just need to sort out how i feel!! hes also not the guy i could tell any of this too because it would confuse him and im not into telling people how i feel so that NOT an option! he also is very forward and we flirt alot so he knows how i feel i guess. so what should i do and why cant i make my mind up!

    Zara. xJEALOUSY! plesae help..urgent relationship advice needed!?
    judging by what you said, it defiantly sounds like you have feelings for him, and it sounds like he has feelings for you too. you either love him or you hate him. he obviously likes this girl and the last thing you want to do is break them up. i think you should just tell him how you feel. and maybe he might feel the exact same way in which case he will leave that other girl and he will go for you, which means he liked you all the time and that girl was just a way to make you jealous i guess... don't worry about what everyone says if you two like each other whats stopping you?JEALOUSY! plesae help..urgent relationship advice needed!?
    guys dont think like we do.. u may think u have pass enough message to him that u like him.. but as a guy he may not get it. if u want him to know that u like him, u need to tell him ';i like you!';. from ur story he seemed to be interested with u but as u are passing the wrong message.. he just gave up and go for another girl..

    about someone say u deserve someone hotter... so childish! who say handsome guy goes with pretty chicks? it's how u feel that is matter... if u like him.. thats good enough a reason..

    if u really like him, go to him and say '; i like you';. if he like u , he will accept u.. if he doesnt accept u... at least u can move on... better than now when u r guessing guessing only... life is short.. dont waste it guessing ... good luck girl!
    Start talking to him more again. maybe you see him more as a friend over time. If you can trust him, try and get over him. Or, start going out and meeting more guys.

    good luck :)

    please answer my question its urgent.;_ylt=AjAfF3aqVElbyBt_lFNr.5ogBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20090530044003AAZSfXF
    Zara - he's a player. It's you that's on the line and people are telling you to not go there so don't. He's just trying to get some. He's after someone else. Go out with a hotter guy. Sometimes we dont want to listen to the people that actually do care about us, when you lust after something - and it's hard do to that especially when your so young. If you go, you will get hurt by the sound of things. If you start looking for someone else - you may still get hurt but just not by THAT guy.

    I need some good relationship advice hear?

    I have been dating this girl for about a year. We have broken up and became friends, and then dated again. Now we are supposedly just friends, but the relationship has moved further now than it ever has before. We have become sexually active. Now this is my dilemma. She has a seperated husband and 2 kids with him. The reason we became friends is obvious. She is or was trying to work things out with him. He is kind of a jerk and is not really all that interested in working things out with her. And just recently she started taking a passionate liking to me. What I am trying to figure out is how to handle this situation. Do I just lay back and let her do what she needs to do. Bc honestly I like her. Or do I stop getting involved all together. I can't figure out what this girl is actually thinking. But just based on how passionate she was, she wasn't using me for sex. And she wants to do it again. I just don't want to be the end of a marriage, and I don't want to get hurt either. ThanksI need some good relationship advice hear?
    Hi personally I would think twice about getting invoved with a married person. It's better to just be friends till the situation is resolved. Either she remains with her spouse or she doesn't. If you keep away at least you will not be ';blamed'; for the breakdown of a marriage. Another way to look at is this way. If this was your marriage, no matter how bad things were would you really want a third party to muddy the waters? Isn't better if the third party kept his distance so that you and your spouse can work things out? Even you decided to separate/divorce, if will be independant of a third party's influence. I think if this woman really loves you, she will eventualy come back to you after the marriage is over. But she should just focus of fixing her marriage (or deciding to end it) without hanging on to you for comfort. If she's the one, she will still come to you later. I think it doesn't hurt to give her space, but tell her why you are keeping away for the moment.

    How do you give relationship advice to the girl you love?

    My girlfriend broke up with me 3 months ago. It was a little awkward at first, but soon we were good friends again, though I've never stopped loving her. We're able to confide everything to each other and give each other comfort and advice.

    In those three months she started going out with a guy, but now she says she sees him more as a friend but is afraid to break up with him because it'll hurt him. Then she tells me she's falling in love with me again, and yesterday we were kissing before we knew it, and she says she doesn't regret cheating on him. We're basically having a relationship only the two of us know about.

    She still hasn't broken up with him. She probably should, but she hates making people feel bad. So how am I supposed to give advice w/o appearing biased in my favor? Help us out, please?

    And PLEASE don't judge her. She's having a really tough family life and that's probably why she's confused about relationships.How do you give relationship advice to the girl you love?
    Well what I'd do is sorta give her more confidence and tell her that she should tell him sooner because if she doesn't and the other guy finds out then he'll be more hurt knowing that she cheated on him than breaking up with him. So tell her that and make her say it more nicely you know like: Hey well the truth is really truely think your a good person though the problem is is that I only see us as being friends. Make sure she doesn't say ';but'; because then its like saying you nice but your not right for me and it sounds like the thing you said before doesn't matter. If you know what I mean. So tell her not to stress. Good Luck!

    A little bit of relationship advice please?

    I'll try and do this quickly!

    I'm being honest here, I don't have much relationship experience and unfortunately I'm entering one right now thats rather complicated.

    So: Theres a wonderful girl, she was in a relationship for 1 1/2 years with a guy who treated her kind of badly and shes come out of it alright (took a few attempts but she eventually decided to get away from him) Now we had been friends for a few months previous and there was a bit of a spark but we never did anything.

    So she comes out of the relationship, about two months later I ask her on a date and things go well. She has some intimacy issues so I haven't really been able to do anything besides hug her occasionally. After our date she tells me she doesn't want to get into a boyfriend/girlfriend thing (yet) and wants to see other guys. This left me hurt but I could understand because her previous relationship left her a bit exhausted. A part of me took it as a nice way of saying ';lets just be friends';....

    Fast forward two months!

    We stay in contact and see each other once or twice, I let her know exactly how I feel about her (that i'm mad about her) and she essentially pushes me away completely. I did something I'm not proud of, I asked to pick between seeing me or seeing other guys. She picked other guys.

    She was very annoyed at me and later admitted she was upset for the entire week about it and felt like I had betrayed her trust, I felt like an asshole. We talk again about a week later and she explains a massive amount of stuff to me and explains a lot of issues she has (I mean, she tells me a lot and more than she tells her closest friends which made me feel like she really, really trusted me) She is extremely busy (for reason I won't go into but its college) and tells me that essentially when the Summer comes she might feel ok pursuing her feelings for me and tells me she isn't seeing other guys at the moment (which I let her know relieved me, she told me she got jealous when I saw someone else and I let her know that I felt jealous when she was seeing other guys)

    It all seemed fine, and we would kind of playfully flirt and text a lot but not see eachother much (literally once every two-three weeks, she doesn't see any one much more often than that.....) She admits herself that she has a lot of problems and is kind of neurotic. Admittedly i'm not as bad as she is but i'm certainly a bit neurotic (i'm posting my worries on a public website looking for advice off people I don't know ain't I?)

    At this stage, I felt like we were progressing and I honestly don't mind waiting around for her to feel comfortable, I let her know all this.

    But then I was weird, I checked out a profile she has on a social network and found that (only very recently) she has constantly started talking to lots of random guys from her college literally until 3 in the morning some nights, some very flirty and some casual. I'm just left worrying...

    She knows it would bother me, and If I was doing it it would certainly bother her a lot more.

    All I know is, she doesn't put much priority to me. That would really annoy me under most circumstances but its her honesty and that she has issues which makes me feel like its not so bad.

    Like I said, don't have much relationship experience (would go as far as to say i'm a klutz!) so maybe this is just the usual growing pains? We have a lot of fun, she does like me, I like her and where before she used to closed off to the idea of a relationship (I believe she actually said it terrified her) she now feels more open and is slowly getting there. The flirting with other guys online thing just makes me uncomfortable, and makes me wonder what she could be doing when she's not online. It kind of damaged my trust of her....

    Pfft...anything else.... she definitely has an inferiority complex if that makes anything make sense? I don't know, to me its really complicated and I don't quite understand some of it. If you have any advice at all, let me know.

    Thats it essentially...... the way I've written it makes it seem so silly... but people If you have an insight tell me:

    Maybe I'm being stupid waiting around for her, trying to put pressure on her when she obviously wants out and I'm over eager trying to become her boyfriend. If a girl likes you, it doesn't take months and months to get to kiss her!


    I should be there for her, help her get past her issues and do my damn best to let her know she's important to me and let her know that although I'm looking for a relationship I'm not trying to rush her into anything.

    I've thought about it and over-analyzed it, my fear is that I'm falling in love with her and that really the clock is ticking away until she decides she wants some other guy and i'm left really hurt. I was thinking positively but seeing her flirt with literally six different guys at once, none of whom I know just made me feel small and like I didn't matter to her. A third posA little bit of relationship advice please?
    I think she's basically already told you she doesn't want to get into a relationship with you, she doesn't make the effort to see you more than once every few weeks, shes talking to other guys..

    i think its safe to say that she's just not that into you.

    And it's time to move on.

    What you may see as flirting just may be her friendly personality, and if she's already said she doesn't want to pursue a relationship with you, then take it at face value and hear what she's saying.

    Don't think, oh well she's a little messed up she just wants to have fun, she had a bad relationship, blah blah blah.... b/c all you're doing is making excuses for her and her behavior when you just need to face the reality that she just doesn't see you like that.

    I mean when you DID say me or other guys, she said other guys! I don't know what more you want. She sounds like she's a game player and I do honestly believe you're going to be the one who's left out in the cold and hurt, not her.

    You've already tried to tell her how important she is to you and she's heard it. She knows it, and she's done nothing about it but flirt with other guys from her school until the wee hours in the morning.

    Move on, and spare yourself the heartache.
  • cleansing diet
  • Does she love me ?? Relationship advice?

    This more of a case is it real or am i being stringed along so i'll give you the entire story and you can judge for yourself on what you think her intentions are, sorry if i waffle on :S

    Im a 15 year old guy, i met this girl on a school trip she is one of my good friends ( a girl ) sister. She was 16 when i met her in february but has recently turned 17 on tuesday. We talked for about 7 days after we met as friends but with a flirty tone attached and then we went out, for 2 weeks but after this she ' dumped ' me saying that the age difference was always on her mind and she felt it was th ebest but she still wanted to keep talking to me. I was quite calm and collective ( on the inside quite very upset about it all ) but she commented many a time how i have been the nicest and most perfect boy ever in the past her relationships the ex's have discarded her from friendship etc. So for about 3 weeks now we have been apart and for the first 1 and a half it was on thin ice us talking. BTW i forgot to mention earlier after she dumped me we cuddled on her bed and ended up kissing about 100 times that evening before i went she said she loved me. Last weekend we talked a lot by text and phone and things were like the first week i knew her, however i upset her sister quite badly and she was resentful... a lot, however through various means i was succesful at apoligising to her sister. There is no doubt i love her in all this its just if she does to me, on her birthday i felt as if she avoided me all day at school hence i didnt see her, but after school i decided to do a final try and make things work between us. She lives 7 miles away and there is no way to get there without car, i had no car so i ran there as fast as i could ( 1 hour 20 mins ) and got there 6 mins before she left for her dinner with family and gave her, her present and sorry letter which read

    Dear Emma

    I am writing this letter because it is impossible for me to say how I feel about you to your face. But on paper, everything just seems to make sense. I can tell you how I feel about you, and more importantly apologize to you for what happened.

    Emma, when we first met in Bulgaria, my heart not only skipped one beat, it skipped two. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. I used to have dreams of walking along the beach in the sunset with a girl who was perfect in every way, inside and out. I always thought she was just a dream, until I met you, and realized that it was you I had been dreaming about all along.

    I stayed up one night and sat under the stars. I played a little game matching each star to a reason why I love you, but then I ran out of stars. I want to tell you all of them, but there isn't enough paper in the world to write everything. I like the way that you light the skies above me. Your smile is a curve that sets everything straight. Your eyes are so bright, the brightest of all colours and unlike any other. I love your fashion sense, everything you wear is so pretty, especially your blue hoody! I adore your personality, and how caring you are in everything you do. I could stroke your hair forever, so soft and lush. I like how you are always the theme of my dreams, and in my nightmares you are the one who comforts me and tells me everything is alright. I envy your intelligence, you are so clever and I know you will do anything you set your mind on. A Nobel Prize winner for sure. I like the way we love the same things. I love the way I could talk to you for eternity and still have more to talk about. You are my princess, and every time we touched it was a fairy tale.

    It is so hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone, when your heart refuses to. Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew.

    Everything about you is so perfect, and everything that happened was my fault. I am so lucky to have you. I can鈥檛 tell you how sorry I am for the things I have done to you and the pain I have caused. I never used to think about the consequences my actions held and never used to ratiocinate anything. But from now on that鈥檚 all I will do. I feel like an idiot, in fact I am an idiot no doubt about it. I have inflicted so much pain and grief to you when in the past you have been so kind and loving to me. But I don鈥檛 think you realise how much I appreciate just knowing of you and without you beside me I would dread every day. You鈥檝e given me so much, like no other soul has. And no one can take your place in my heart. You deserve happiness Emma, you are a wonderful person. Again, I鈥檓 so sorry.


    anyway she was grateful and quite happy before she had to go she hugged me really tightly and said she never wanted to let go. she said i had made her birthday perfect and nothing would ever match this in pefectness and that she loved me. Which did give me some hope, however now moving on slightly from that time I find that she is relatively intersested I mean she doesn鈥檛 have the same happineDoes she love me ?? Relationship advice?
    go to bedDoes she love me ?? Relationship advice?
    It sounds like she isn't sure about her feelings and she is confused. In my experience, the best thing to do is act like it doesn't matter. I don't mean be cold and act like you don't know her, just act like its cool, that you're still friends and you're there for her. If its meant to be, in due time it will.
    You are truly a romantic guy and I think that if Emma doesn't see you this way then she is a fool. I can't tell you what is on a woman's mind as so many factors come into play. All I know from your writing is that no person has ever written to me like you have written to her. I envy Emma, your letter was so beautiful it had my heart singing...

    I don't know what you have done to cause her grief but God knows, you keep up with your romantic ideas of the idela woman and she will come to you. What woman could resist your tender words! You are precious and have instilled in me some faith that there are people in the world who still believe in romance!
    she hates you go kill yourself and your whole family, then she will find out how much she misses you
    YOU ARE ONLY FIFTEEN, seiously and your life is like some drama serial -.- anyway, don't be too pushy, and being overly ';romantic'; might freak her out. just go back to treating her like a normal friend and see how it goes from there

    What should i do? relationship advice needed?

    this girl i was seeing a while back text me out the blue the other day, only with a random question ( !?! ) but she said she wanted to keep in touch, i feel a bit confused what to do , she lives quite far away now and it was'nt so much of a relationship more of a **** buddy situation. but still, should i keep in contact with her and what should i say? (by the way i still fancy her and i guess she still does me, but i feel a bit wierd asking her if she does? )

    thanks in advance

    as you can tell i'm not a relationship expert

    lol xWhat should i do? relationship advice needed?
    If you were just F buddies you would not care. I think you would like a relationship with her. Keeping in touch is good, you could pay her a compliment and see if you get one back and that would help you decide if she is still interested. As a woman i was always interested in my F buddies a little more than i made outWhat should i do? relationship advice needed?
    Keeping in touch with her can be very harmless and perhaps she just wants a friend in you but she may mistake this and you may go back to being in the same place you's where. Obviously you fancy her, and her you but fancying doesn't go far. Just ignore her and move on.
    shes not the one.move on :)

    Can I get some relationship advice?

    Im just going to give you a quick rundown of whats up. Im 23, have a 21 yr old girlfriend, we're both in college and living together. We've been together fro 4 years now, but Ive found that little by little I dont want to be with her anymore. She does, but I havent told her about it. Anyways, Ive met this one girl and she has the looks of the type of woman I always use to want to be with and is also someone Id love to be with. The thing is, she doesnt know Im in a relationship. Should I go out on a few dates on the side and if it works out, break up with my girlfriend?Can I get some relationship advice?
    You owe it to your girlfriend to be there for her at this moment in time because you live with her. Finish the lease or the current month or whatever understanding the 2 of you came up with. If this other woman is coming on to strong or wants to get together to quick, that is a red flag for a train wreck that has already happened and your just going to go by to collect the dead bodies.Can I get some relationship advice?
    No you should break up with your girl friend first!! If you dont want to be with her dont string her along. Also when and if this new girl finds out about her wich is very possible especially if your girlfriend is the type to trip then the new girl wont trust you and might not want to be with you because she will see you as a liar and a cheater and she might not want you to treat her the same way. You dont want to be that guy do you? Break up with your girl enjoy being single and see whtas up with the new girl. Also you dont want the new girl to possibly deal with the drama of either you moving out or her moving out, it could be nasty
    Depends on your understanding with the girl you're currently dating. If she thinks you two are exclusive and not dating others, then you need to break up with her or downgrade your relationship before you go out with that other girl.

    Not only is that the right thing to do, but if this new girl finds out that you have a girlfriend then she'll probably not have enough trust in you to consider a relationship.

    Plus you'll be more successful with this new girl if you feel more unattached.
    Never, it could end up bad with both of them. Break up with your girlfriend and then date the other girl. If it doesn't work out or you decide you want the other girl, say it was a big mistake. Maybe you are just getting bored with the relationship. Spice things up and do something you normally don't do. :) Go on an adventure or do something before giving up.
    Don't cheat on her. Don't. Even if you don't want to be with her, she doesn't deserve that. I could probably give you more advice if I knew how well you know this other woman, but I would say you should get to know her, talk to her but don't go on a date with her. Yet. If you think you should be with her, than you just tell your girlfriend that it's not the same and that you're breaking up with her. Don't tell her that there's another woman, but don't say there isn't another woman.

    Good luck! hope this helped
    No, that would be cheating. Be sure that the relationship you're in is not the one you want. Just because the grass looks greener doesn't mean it isn't. Besides, you and the current g/f have a lot of history together. Don't be ready to throw all of it away just because some fresh legs is walking by.
    ouu i've been in this situation.

    okay, first of all.

    end the relationship with your girlfriend if your thinking about dating someone else.

    It's not fair of you to go out with some other girl while dating someone else.

    It's not fair to lie to both, and you'll just end up feeling guilty in the end.
    I'm not so sure that's a good idea. If your present girlfriend finds out you have been sneaking around she will get pretty upset, especially if she still wants to be with you. If you want to break it off with her, do it. There is no point in making yourself suffer. After you have broken up with her wait for a few weeks to make your move on this new girl. You don't want to crush your present girlfriend's feelings by jumping to another girl right off the bat. Good luck!
    No! Don't do that! That's called ';cheating';... LoL.

    Date or not, spending time with this other girl, and getting to ';know'; her is cheating. It makes you a player. To sink to that level.

    What you need to do is... well. If you DON'T like the girl you're currently dating, break up with her! I mean, if you don't like her you don't like her...

    Break up with her and get to know the other girl. Don't get to know the other girl and keep dating the other at the same time.

    Hell no bro. ! think about it for a second. seing someone while being with someone is bad enough as it is. not to mention u've been with the chick for 4 years. i say, leave with dignity, tell ur lady how u really feel and that its best to see other people. and hey, if the other relationship dosnt work out. you can always go back i guess ? good luck !
    I would break up with your current girlfriend first because I'm sure she'd feel pretty bad if she ever found out about the other girl and probably be mad at you, but if you broke up now you might still be able to be friends? I dunno. Just my thoughts.
    The best thing you can do is just end things with your girlfriend. It may hurt her but she'll get over it eventually, but if she finds out you dated another girl while with her she will be more hurt. Who knows, maybe things with the other girl will work out.
    No. That would be cheating, and cheating is not ok.

    If you've lost interest in your girlfriend anyway you should be breaking up with her reguardless of if you have met someone new or not.

    Dishonesty never pays off.
    lame dude, make a decision about your current situation. Before you drag another person into the picture. You're just going to end up hurting someone who was once dear to you, and still cares about you.
    don't be with someone you have no interest in. but maybe you just lost your interest because you've been together for a while. having dates on the side wouldn't be a smart thing to do though.
    No. Be honest and break up with your GF first. Sneaking around and cheating are immature and stupid. You will not like yourself very much. You were too young to get into such a serious relationship. It was bound to fail.
    I would definently not cheat on your girl friend like that. I would break up with her b4 i do anything like that....

    Well first of all if you got caught then you would just ruin both relationships.

    Also this girl that you have been dating for 4 years is probably in love with you, and to lead her on and just use her as a back up plan, isnt fair to her or yourself.

    Break up with your current Girlfriend now if you dont like her anymore, then see what happens with this new girl.

    If it works out, then great,

    if not it just means it wasnt ment to be and you will find someone eventually and until then enjoy being single since you havent been for the past 4 years.
    no don't do that

    if you don't want to be with her anymore, break up with her now then date, you seem like a nice guy so imagine yourself in her situation she will have to deal with a breakup so it wouldn't be nice if she has to deal with an ex who went out behind her back and dated someone else as well, it's too much

    good luck i hope i helped
    NOOOO. do NOT do that to your girlfriend! :( seriously, if you respect her...respect her feelings and break up with her first. oh cant have ur cake and eat it too mr! dont be a fraidy cat and think that you can just take ur pick of the two a man and do it like any gentleman would do. break up with her...because ur not in love with her anymore. then, if u want u can do whatever after that because your single.

    man, i am BEGGING you...from a woman's point of view....please dont do that to ur current girlfriend. step up and do what needs to be done.
    No. Either way its a lose lose situation.

    You are going to leave your current girlfriend heart broken by leaving her unfortunately.

    I think you are growing out of your relationship with your current gf but you need to explain to her in caution when you break up with her.

    I don't think its best to rush into anything with another girl. Chances are you might either fall completely head over heels for this new chick or realize you don't wanna be with her so your back to square one.

    I will edit my answer if you add more detail.
    no if ur already having doubts then break up with ur 1st one and date her ull b happy then no matter wat

    Desperatly in need of relationship advice?

    My boyfriend of three years and I found out we were expecting in June. At first he wasn't very pleased but within a few weeks he came around to the idea. He does all the regular things-rubs my belly, talks to the baby and tells it he loves it.

    I'm now 17 weeks along. We got into an argument over something stupid and he got really angry. I apolgized and admitted to overreacting but appearently the damage was done and he decided to break up with me. When I was trying to talk to him and get him to be rational he called me a stupid b**** and told me hated me.

    Now this isn't the first time he's broken up with me. He's done in a few times since June but I've always managed to talk him out of it and get him to see sense, but this time I'm not so sure if I want to.

    What would you do in this situation? I need all the advice I can get.Desperatly in need of relationship advice?
    Well, I think the way he is acting is inexcusable. After being together 3 years, the first thing he should have done is proposed to you after finding out you two were expecting. If he didn't do that, I don't believe he wants to be with you for the long haul. If you have to convince him to stick around, this will all not turn out well. I know this is the last thing you want to hear, but it is honestly the truth.

    Do you have a lot of family support? You will surely need it.

    I would keep this break up a definite and just explain to him that he needs to be there for his child. You two can work on a friendship, but for now, you can't handle the stress of his up and down mood swings.

    Sorry to hear about all this. Good luck to you.Desperatly in need of relationship advice?
    I think its time for you to be on your own without him. If later, and i mean LATER not 2 weeks later, you decide you get back together then so be it , but right now I think you should spend some time thinking if this is a stable, loving, relationship you want your baby to grow up witnessing.

    Need some serious intimate relationship advice please?

    I have been seeing this guy for 6 months, friend of mine for many years. We are having an issue in the intimacy department and I'm desperately hoping for some advice.

    He is in his 30s and is still a virgin... when it comes down to it all is good during foreplay but he looses 'concentration'. He's terribly depressed and I'm trying so hard to find a solution. Was even thinking about pheromone perfumes. I'm a very open person, if anyone ever had this problem or has even the slightest clue or suggestion I'd be grateful for any advice.Need some serious intimate relationship advice please?
    Sounds like he had some bad upbringing there. Something to make him feel sex was not nice. I might suggest an eye mask or make him put a soft pillow over his face so he can pretend he's not in control of what is happening. Or you can just tell him before the ';act'; that you don't think it's a good idea, and you really shouldn't be doing this and maybe he can put it in just a little and then take yourself away and tease him that way. A few times of that and he should be able to fulfill. Nice soft music helps and very dim light. ??????Need some serious intimate relationship advice please?
    There are no definite answers and there is lots you can do but it will what you can tolerate and what makes you comfortable. the fact that he has chosen to keep his virginity was his choice alone, he could thinking of what it will mean when he does lose it, maybe he finds that foreplay is not to his satisfaction and maybe wants more but wants to wait. you could talk to him about this situation and let him know you feelings and ask him to share his ideas and thoughts with you, because it is not just about you or him, it is about you both, He surely will compromise with you, but he is not a mind reader which makes it more important for you to communicate with him.
    Do you mean he gets limp? Or he just gives up?

    Edit: Sounds like its an anxiety/psychological thing, especially since you said he's an older virgin. But first he should have a check-up with a doctor and make sure to rule out some sort of medical or physical problem like high blood pressure. After he's deemed healthy, then tackle the issue in another way.
    ok so im going to assume that since he is a virgin, he is nervous so massage him to relax him and tell him not to be nervous because you already know that he is a virgin and you understand how he feels. Then try to get his wildest fantasy out of him and when he least expects it, do it. for example when he is coming out of the shower, or when he gets home from work. If that doesn't work here are more ideas....

    -dirty talk to him so he knows that your truly as naughty as he is.

    -dance sexually for him.

    -say ';im going to pleasure my self, anytime you wish to jump in please do so.'; and then carry on from there

    -ask him what gets him going and do that. for example nibbling ear lobe.

    I hope it works out!
    i have no idea - obviosuly keep trying things - lingerie, toys, games, etc... if all else fails, talk to him about it in a supportive way and maybe you should visit the doctor TOGETHER about it.
    Maybe try an Aphrodisiac? Here's some info on it:
    The question is have you talk with him about this issue , maybe he is having phyical problems with p----. and is embaress to talk about it.
    just let him know that its okay since its his first

    dont put him down or make fun of him in any way

    laugh and play around, besides its supposed to be fun!

    have a romantic date before

    and just you lead
    How old are you is my first question? And also do you know why he is depressed? When you answer those two things I can surely re-answer this with a good answer!
    uhh try doing something relaxing and after foreplay dont just jump right into it, go very very sloww and make sure you keep his attention with alot of kissing and rubbing
    Try Viagra, or assume he is unsuccessfully fighting his inner gay-ness.
    you should go down on him so he'll be like super turned on and when he least expects it get on top of him and you do him :)
    talk to him about it, or find out what turns him on EXACTLY and do that.
    talk to him it and if you have done this already then take control yourself in teh bedroom dont' let him loose focus.
    run for the door
    Wear something sexy. Put on your best lingerie and be posed and waiting for him when he comes home. This should be an instant turn on. Slowly undress him using only your teeth. Men love when women use their mouths because it is so sexual in nature.

    Give your boyfriend a sexy massage. Have them lay face down on the bed naked. Lather sexy massage oil all over his body. Take off your clothes. Straddle him. Begin massaging his body, allowing your body to touch his. Let your boobs and pelvis work into his body. This will be an instant turn on. After you've massaged his back side have him flip over. Seeing you touch him and work on him will get him going for sure.

    Tease him with a strip show. Put on some sultry music and put on a show. Give him a lap dance and treat him like a client in a strip club. Tell him there's a no touching policy. This will make him want to touch you more. If he does touch you give him a warning or a punishment if you want. Make yourself seem irresistible and you will be. Your guy will be begging to touch you. Have fun.

    watch porn together, bondage?

    Can I have some relationship advice?

    I'll be twenty years old in March, my girlfriend is twenty-one. We've been going out for almost two years now and things USUALLY go pretty smoothly. I work as IT personnel full-time in a machine shop (conveniently close to where we live), 8 am - 4:30 pm, every day of the week. I drive %26amp; have had a clean license for over a year. My girlfriend works at a fast food restaurant that's 30 mins away from where we live (despite advice to get a job that's closer). She doesn't drive, her license is suspended for one reason or another. I drive her to work almost every day after I get home from work %26amp; usually find something to do out there until she gets off work (to save gas). I end up getting very few hours of sleep.

    I have a bunch of friends that might not be the greatest people, but they're friends. I usually try to make plans to hang out with them when I know I'm going to be waiting for my girlfriend to get off work. She absolutely hates it %26amp; starts arguments with me all the time about them %26amp; how I get to hang out with my friends at least %26amp; all she does is work. I try desperately not to argue with her, but she always ends up making some personal attack that sets me off.

    She commonly complains that we both work too much %26amp; we never get to ';spend quality time with each other'; if you catch my drift. Two nights ago we got home late but I stayed up way past the time I should have gone to sleep to make sure we ';spent some quality time together';. I ended up getting four hours of sleep. She got off work yesterday at 6:15 and we had planned to spend the night together, quiet, no parties or anything. When I picked her up from work she told me that she had told her cousin she was going to stop by later. I figured it wouldn't be too late, so we did our thing, went home, I took a shower, we headed back out to her cousins house (also 30 mins away from where we live) and spent the rest of the night there, till about midnight. She knew I wanted to go to bed early to catch up on sleep and completely disregarded my requests. Now I'm at work feeling guilty because for some reason she was mad at me this morning for saying nasty things to her last night (probably something like ';I'm going to feel like sh*t in the morning'; or ';why do we always have to stay out so late';, but to be honest I really don't remember what happened past 11:30), half awake, hungry, tired, irritable, can't concentrate... Do I have a right to be mad? She does these things to me all the time. I told her that I only hang with friends while she's at work and within a reasonable time frame unless it's the weekend. I told her that if she wanted to hang out with friends while I'M at work, she'd have to wake up sometime before 2 PM and actually do something with her day. I don't want to leave her, but this lifestyle is driving me into the ground %26amp; when I explain it to my parents or anybody else they tell me they think I party too much.

    Help?Can I have some relationship advice?
    Eddy as I only have your side of the story it sounds like she isn't understanding and doesn't really care what you think or feel. You chauffeur her everywhere she needs to go and wait around for her and all she can do is complain about it and start arguments. That's pretty immature on her part.

    I have a fresh idea check and see if you have public transportation from your home to where she works. If the bus goes by get her a bus pass for a month and let her take the bus to work and to see family and friends. I bet after a month of this she will see your point and chill out a bit.

    Has she considered working during the hours you work? I know you said it's 30 minutes away but could you take her to work in before you go and pick her up afterwords?

    Record one of your arguments and let her listen to it later then she wont be able to turn your words around. Also let her family listen to it chances are she's making you look like the bad guy when in fact your not at all.Can I have some relationship advice?
    Man, that blows....

    Have you tried talking to her about the situation that your in or how you feel about everything?

    If this is reallybothering you, you two should take a break for a bit and see if it get's any better.
    Well you can't keep killing your self for a few hr.s of some ok fun times. You need to decide what is more impotent in your live right now. I hope all works out for you.
  • cleansing diet
  • Help! Need Some Relationship Advice!!?

    I have been dating my boyfriend for almost 2 years, he tells me he loves me and I believe him, however he still has his dating profile posted! and not just one he's got several! when i confronted him about this he claims that maybe one day he will take them off. Yet I found out he has posted new ads on new dating sites! and responds to girls who message him on these sites. I feel bad that i did this but i broke into all of his email accounts and found that he's been communicating with an ex girlfriend and that the 2 had met last year and he went as far as to tell her in an email that he wanted things back they way they were. now he's planning on meeting her again in october! he has told her that he's still single! and he said that when they meet he wants things back they way they used to be. I really need some advice on this! he tells me he is always honest with me but has never told me that he met his ex girlfriend! what should i do!Help! Need Some Relationship Advice!!?
    It sounds like he's holding you temporarily until he finds his next gf. You decide what comes next. Are you going to wait until you get dumped or will you dump him and find someone else?Help! Need Some Relationship Advice!!?
    Actions speak louder than words.

    He's telling you that he's being honest, but he hasn't been (he told his ex he's single).

    He tells you that he loves you, but he's on dating sites corresponding with other women.

    So it's pretty clear here. He's playing with your emotions. Maybe he just wants to keep you around until he gets someone else (or gets his ex grlfriend back). I'm sorry to say but you migh need to move on.
    You did the right thing, now all you have to do is finish him. He deserves it. Tell him how much of a dick he is first though. He cant blame you for going through his emails if he is guilty.

    You can do way better than him by the sounds of this!! He is a nob. He is just an ignorant bastard. I hate him already. He's up his own ****. good luck x
    This May Sound Bad But You Most Confront Him About What You Found.And If You Cant Trust Him With That You Should End The Relationship cause he can't be trusted.He says he is honest but he is really not and you found that out first hand so you should confront him about what you found and leave him and find someone way better.
    you sort this and him out girl! you go girl, he shouldn't get away with that!

    write an email to that gir and al his friends and family telling them wha a peice of sh.t he is and if you have any nude / embarrasing pics of him send those to them too. maybe, you can be even more intelligent or creative...

    at least you have some time to think, just think...

    first, you have some thinking to do...
    i think the answers r right in front of you. if u got into his email and he really is involved with his ex girlfriend. then i suggest you tell him that he u know that he's involved with his ex. but dont break up with him. cause it might be a misunderstanding. find out the truth.
    first give him a chance to explain himself and ask him about it. keep it just to that subject dont get into detain, if he cant explain it tell him you know and ask if he talls his ex he loves her to or if he just lys to you and tell him its over. and trust your gut!!!:)
    he sounds like a jerk.

    dont feel committed to stay with him bc you guys have been together for so long. i find alot of my friends dont break up with their bfs when they are having serious problems just bc they've been together for so long. its stupid.

    just leave him. as harsh as it sounds sweetie he may not be as into your relationship as you are. move on
    Do you really need to be told by stranger that you should leave this guy?

    If so..............LEAVE HIM - And get yourself in a relationship with someone who you can trust and you don't feel the need to be pathetic and hack their online accounts.
    Girl I think you should kick him to the curb and find yourself a good man just for you. He doesn't need to be talking to his ex. Obviously he is still not over his ex. Let him go and and he really loves you he will beg you to come back.
    He is going to end up cheating on you if you stay with him. He has been doing all this stuff behind your back so u know u cant trust him. And now ur coming in 2nd to his ex. This guy is a creep and u need to move on.
    He's lying. Ooh, that gives me an idea. Have you considered contacting his not-so-ex to let her know that he is a two-timer? Just maybe you could both expose him for the slime-ball he is. Just a thought.
    leave him da hell alone and just the fact that u did confront him about it. y wud he post more... he is bad news u do not need that.... u post one and see how he feels about that... exactly he will tell u to take it down,.... kiss him goodbye
    Umm, he's moved on, apparently. If you still need some reassuring, set one up yourself with a fake name, send him a message and see how it goes. Then, you will know for sure.
    He is lying now and if you where to have an relationship with this guy would you be able to trust him? no! because you have caught him in a lie before.
    If you're sure he's being dishonest about something confront him about it. If he continues to lie, the ******* leave him and move on. Don't waste your time with douche bags.
    Wel actually the logical thing to do is to break it off with him now. If he loves someone else it's obviously not going to work.
    The Enter Key breaks sentences apart to make it look like a new paragraph.

    If you do it right, it should look like this.
    i think you should say that he left his dating profile page open and it caught your eye, and confront him about what you found there :)
    id leave him :\ IT really seems like he wants his ex girlfriend back. I'd just tell him that u have proof abut it and he needs to choose. I may not know u, but every1 deserves better then that ****. gl :x
    If someone really really loves you they would not do this to you. Don't fool yourself, look at the evidence. Ditch him now.
    the obvious, break up with him.
    Confront him about it and ask whats going on. thats the only way you are going to get an answer.
    get rid of him hes keeping his options open
    Dump him.
    get rid of him
    girl he is honestly not claiming you so dump his azz.You deserve better trust me.
    Um, I think you answered your own question. DUMP HIM! Obviously he wants to have his cake and eat it too. This is a guy who want options and he probably wants to keep you because he likes you, but if things work out with his ex he'll leave you. Its like hold onto to a really shirt until you find something you like better, than when you find something better you put the first shirt back on the rack. But if you don't find something better thats the one you buy..heres a great quote you should keep in mind:

    ';Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option';

    Thats what it appears you are to him; an option.
    i have same issues with my bf of two years always hanging out with a bunch of girls. -__- its rediculous. what you do is you have to be straight up about it that it makes you uncomfortable and you dont want him on dating sites or talking to his ex girlfriends cause thats just not right. and you have to be strong about it and YOU need to take charge. tell him exactly how you feel. if he gets mad, you get even more mad. dont let your guard down. and if he refuses to meet your wishes, then you leave him. cause if he's doing what he wants and not what you want, then guess what you dont need him and you can do way wayy way better. cause your the woman here you are the strong one :} guys are stupid :D lolol. so just remember what i said and i hope it goes well. :} you can email me if you need more help go on my yahoo email :}
    Well...its risky and ruins live...but i guess its time for advice like moms ex-husband did that to my mom when they were married and it made her sad to the core. i can imagine what it feels like for you. if you break up with him now before he meets with her he may fall soooo far that he will never be able to pick himself up and may lose it and think suicidal, also you will never find out if he just wanted to talk it out or see if there was a positive outcome of what could happen at their meeting. but there may be none, then you can raid his emails after his meeting and talk it out. if there's no way of reasoning this you'll have to let him down slowly, tell im you think you guy need a break. i know it sounds long, but time is what gives a relationship its some cases. ;P but don't fret. remember, there are guys killing out there to find a woman that cares. try your best to satisfy him while satisfying yourself. if you cannot satisfy each other in this relationship it most likely will not work.....i implore you....make the right decision...also...contacting the female prospect that is his acclaimed female friend to stay in the loop...chose wisely...
    Ohh this is bad and wrong. In a relationship you need to be commited to that persona nd not talking to other people and have a profile on a dating website. That just means that he wants to meet other people because he is talking to other people. Especially when he is lying to the ex saying that he is still single. He is denying that he is in a relationship for a reason. 2 years is a long time. It is good that you confronted him about it. You need to confront him that you saw what you saw. It is wrong that you went into his email but it is wrong of him to lie to his ex. It is equal here but he is in the wrong more.

    Tell me what he says after you confront him and then i will give more advice, if you want.


    I need some relationship advice. I would prefer if guys answered cos if a girl reads this they may hate me.?

    I have been going out with a girl for a year, she is overweight but attractive. She is absolutely madly in love with me and i hate the *****. She is needy, she is immature, she is unhygienic, incredibly self absorbed and she is incredibly ******* irritating. She has tried to lose Weight numerous times but has given up after two weeks each time, i have told her she will never lose weight because she has no determination. I admit i manipulate her and she is so confident she will believe anything i say. The only reason i have not already broke up with her is because i know it will destroy her, this does not bother me but will make me really unpopular in my 6th-form. What do you think i should do?I need some relationship advice. I would prefer if guys answered cos if a girl reads this they may hate me.?
    Hey mike here at your service

    If you do not like her, then it may be time to call it quits, telling her that she will never loose weight because she had no determination is a terrible thing to say to a girl, especially if she knows she is overweight. a girl in that position could really need a confidence boost, do you go and workout with her, couples that work out together tend to stick with the workout plan. i mean if she is not a joy to be around and she is that upsetting to you, then you might want to call it quits, being in a unhappy relationship is not healthy.

    i don't want the next paragraph to sound mean, but it will be a little harsh, please don't take it personal, im only trying to help

    if your not breaking up with her because you know it will destroy her is a noble thing on your part, but you also have stated that that it doesn't bother you that she will be destroyed, it seems you are more concerned with your personal image than you are with her. you have no one to answer to but, well lets be frank but God. if you don't like the relationship then end it. do i in a gentle way, you know how to do this, it will not be okay in the eyes of the girl. she will be hurt and there is nothing you can do to make her feel better, she may hate you after the break up, but if done correctly she may or will come around and you can be Friends.

    above all, do what you think is best, nobody can tell you what to do, nobody can tell you how to live your life, people will tell you how you should live your life. so take or leave what i think on it. just if you break up with her, Do Not think that she will be okay with it, if she is in love with you, she will not find it okay, but she will heal, thats what great about us people, we have the God Given ability to heal and move on and thats what i think needs to happen here

    God Bless to you

    Mike. P Born Again ChristainI need some relationship advice. I would prefer if guys answered cos if a girl reads this they may hate me.?
    um look first and foremost you have to look at your own happiness not hers. If you are not happy with her than that would also translate to her so she wouldn't be happy either. Both of you are losing at this point. But if you break up with her at least you will be happy and she will be still unhappy but at least one is happy right. So look it that way. Is it better for both of you not being happy? or one of you being happy and the other not? hope i helped hehe :) good luck on the break up ( oh that rhymes)
    Well, if you are going to chicken out and not just break up with her, you need to make yourself really really unavailable!

    Things you need to do, places you need to be without her. Don't answer the calls, don't be home.

    But you need to at least say you need some kind of break.

    Maybe it's time to move away? really far away?
    Do her and yourself and all of us and the whole world a favor....just tell her all what you told us and if she doesn't want to cooperate (after all, you did say she'll listen and do as you say like a robot)....then dump her and dump her fast before she get too worked up over you and can never worship another guy again......You're just the MAN and her GOD...I wonder if she kiss the ground you walk on, you GOD man.
    WTF..Scrappy doo is funny..

    But i say, just tell her you can't continue with the relationship that its all too much %26amp; you need some time to chill..

    Then move on, it might destroy her, but whatever doesnt kill you, makes you stronger...

    OR, just tell her everything you find wrong with her, let her get annoyed %26amp; break up with you, you're free 7 move on..
    this sounds horrible! why are you with someone you obviously dont even like!? dont lead her on, dont forget that she has feelings and its not fair to her that you do this to her. I mean, how would you feel if you were in her spot??? Do her a favor and break up with her, I dont think this relationship is healthy for her or for you!
    If you're not happy with her, you should get rid of her whether she likes it or not. Boyfriends and girlfriends come and go, and she should realize that, especially if she's going to act horrible and disgusting towards somebody she's dating.
    Your obviously not happy so break up with her so you can both find someone who truely makes you happy.....the longer you're with her the harder it's gonna be to break up with her.
    wow....ill answer without calling you anything i want too (your welcome)

    but yeah dont let it get to far or else she might think you wereleading her on so break up with her but ask to still be friends idk

    good luck

    im a girl and id have to say if i were her id rather you break up with me cuz no one wants to be dragged along without knowing it.
    dump her

    the sooner the better
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you said girls don't answer.

    But, I think you should dump her. Just be gentle about it.
    get rid of her
    Wow. It sounds like you need a girl that doesn't put up with your crap but doesn't give you any crap either. Obviously, you're not a guy that she would want to date, so I think you two should go your seperate ways.

    If you decide to stay with her, and she's still trying to lose weight, instead of telling her that she can't do it, encourage her! Take all the junk food out of her house, and if she's debating on whether or not to eat a cookie, offer her a healthier choice.

    Breaking up with her would be best for both of you. She doesn't need to be dating a guy quite like you, and I understand why you're so irritated with how needy and gross and self-absorbed she is. You two aren't right for each other.

    I need some relationship advice for my friend. Can you help?

    My friend saw a picture of my boyfriend's friend and she thought he was cute. They are going to meet after Christmas, and I will do her makeup and make sure she looks good. The only problem I have is that the guy she is going to meet does not really want a relationship. My friend is a good girl and I my boyfriend's friend is a good guy also, but he had a bad relationship with his psycho ex girlfriend and he's very skeptical about relationships. My question is, how can my friend act so she can make him reconsider being in a relationship again? I know they will like each other. I know my friend for over 7 years and I also know that he will like her.I need some relationship advice for my friend. Can you help?
    No one can be sure about how one person will act except for the person and then it's only sometimes. Let your girl friend know that she can't expect to win this guy over right away. She will probably have to be his friend first before they take the next step. Otherwise she will just get pushed away no matter how great of a match you tihnk they would be.I need some relationship advice for my friend. Can you help?
    She shouldn't act any way so that she will be liked. She should just be herself and let the relationship happen if it's going to. Never misrepresent yourself to get someones affection the true you is always going to come out and then where are you going to be? If you want an honest relationship, be honest with yourself.
    All she has to do is take it slow. Don't mention relationships or anything too serious until they get to know each other better. If he feels pressured to date her from the very beginning, he's gonna back off. If he falls in love with her personality and sees that she's a laid back girl, he'll be much more likely to consider a relationship. He just doesn't want to make the mistake of getting into something serious with another psycho.

    Very torn...need relationship advice desperately from married/divorced individuals.?

    I have been with my boyfriend for a year and a half. He will be 25 in October, I will be 24 in December. We have been living together for six months. Up until 3 weeks ago, I was absolutely in love with him. I have been getting frustrated with him since he doesn't pick up after himself, and can only do something (like take out the garbage) when asked. He is pretty lazy when it comes to cleaning, and also when it comes to jobs. He has been in the same job for almost two years, and seems comfortable (this is ok). However, he does not have any plans what he wants to do next, and he doesn't seem to want more responsibility or to make more money. I, on the other hand, will be looking to ';move up'; within a year, because I want to make a comfortable life style for myself and my family (in the future).

    I do pretty much everything around the house. The bills are in my name and I handle them, because he can't be trusted with this kind of thing. He wanted to get a new car and asked me for help. He wants to network with people from college and asked me for help. I even had to help him set up online banking. I used to think it was cute, but now I just want to be with a man instead of taking care of a boy.

    Picturing a life with him really seems exhausting. His family talks about what our kids will be like, and his dad said that he hopes we will get married in the future. My boyfriend and I have talked about marriage/kids. Now I think I am having a change of heart.

    The catch is that he is a REALLY genuine guy. He is incredibly funny, and very kind. He is romantic and is absolutely in love with me. I worry that I am making a mistake or that I will be losing someone really special if I let him go. He would never cheat, and he would make an excellent father. Really just a wonderful, good-hearted guy.

    HELP!!!!!!!!! I'm torn and distraught about this. Thanks in advance.Very torn...need relationship advice desperately from married/divorced individuals.?
    Lol welcome to the wonderful world of marriage :) the honeymoon phase is over, and all his quirks and bad habits are coming out.. luckily for you , your not married to him and can easily walk if u so chose to.. my advice try to talk to him.. and stop doing for him, he's a grown man , and if he wants a mother then he needs to go back home and live with his.. and if he cant get it straightened out then u know where u stand and its time to go.. if you dont want to live the rest of your life going through this.. so if u love him try to straighten the situation.. but take accountability for things that u may be enabling him to think its ok.. and stop enabling him to be so dependent on you to whipe his azz.. and if he still doesnt hear u , and still doesnt want to put an effort in to make this work, then u know u have a choice to make.. but talk to him and let him know exactly how ur feeling, dont hide it.. or mask it.. be blunt.. and try to resolve the problems, cause ever marriage has problems, and if u both cant learn how to resolve the petty things in life, how are u ever going to compromise and resolve bigger issues as they come your way? this is a true test of your relationship .. will u both pass or fail?Very torn...need relationship advice desperately from married/divorced individuals.?
    Don't even think of marriage with this guy he will not change if he has no ambition.
    Sounds like a marriage to me.
    wow, you're not even married and already experiencing some of the problems of marriage after six short months living together. It's good that you're aware that personality traits that exhaust you so soon will increasingly bother you as time goes by.

    I'll give you my experience for what it's worth. I married a similar sounding guy, only I did it much younger - at 21. He was a little younger than me, so I attributed all the 'caregiving' I had to do to his age, telling myself he would mature as time went by. (He also was fun, romantic and in love). We had a child when I was in my late 20's, and I found myself stuck in a job I hated, but had to keep to support us. He had no direction, and though I struggled so he could attend college for 4 yrs he did very poorly and couldn't seem to finish anything. He rarely worked, and found excuses to quit every job he had. Meanwhile, he resented the time our child took away from him and wasn't into be a father at all - even though he'd begging to have a baby. Long story short, after passing 20 years in this way and finding out that he was spending his idle time having affairs I finally called it quits. He was one I said would never cheat too - in fact he told me I was the only one and his soulmate just a few days before I found out he gave me an STD. He then admitted to more than one affair.

    Please think long and hard about this. You really need an equal partner in life, especially once the children come along. Feeling like your husband's mommy isn't romantic - it's exhausting and it only become more so with each passing year. I wish I'd had the insight you have back when we started our relationship. Don't let your heart sidetrack you away from your career goals, and you deserve someone who shares the load not just adds to it. Best of luck -
    I suggest you should seriously talk to this guy.He needs to know what is bothering you.

    Before that you should set your priorities ie. what you think is important for you and your family or starting your own family,be it financial needs or other chores around the house.

    Practically speaking,every one wants to settle down with someone who is financially well to support ones family and kids to come.So,talk openly with your guy and tell him that he needs to be more responsible and financially strong to start a family.Do this in a way not to hurt him as it seems you really love this guy and cant let go.Make him realize the important aspects in your life and see if he can make an effort to fit in your sphere and make sure you trust him fully with every thing before you plunge into marriage with this guy.

    More over take slow , he is going to be 25 as you say and guys take really a little more time then girls to mature and be responsible at this age.4-5 years from now he will be more responsible than you will be.

    It sounds like you are at a crossroad in your life and you have to choose. Well, you have a few choices. His ways seem to be pretty set, and that is how he was raised. You will either have to accept him the way he is or let him go and find someone more ambitious. But remember there is more to life than ambition. You will have to sit down and talk about your furure together, and see what he wants and what you want. Does he want to be a stay at home dad if you have children or does he want to be the family provider? Where do you want to be in 5, 10, even 15 years from now? Does he have goals and do you share them? If you do not feel comfortable with him making less money than you and not having the ambition to make more money or work for the lifestyle you desire, then you may have to look for another man who shares your dreams. The answer lies in you, and you will have to look into your heart, listen to your intuitive voice within and play with the idea of living with him and start a family with him or moving on and trying your chances with someone else. There are a lot of nice guys out there. Question is are they your type and are you their type? Also, the competition gets stiffer as you move up the ladder of careers, to catch a good husband who is sharing the same financial abilities as you.
    You stated that you was in love with him, are you still? I can understand your frustration but he does sound like a really nice guy,,,He will eventually get better, how long it will take is a mystery,,,the mistake you made was assuming the role of leadership in the relationship(and he let you because that's what it probably looked what you wanted) instead of sharing it,,now it's a pain,,you appear to have a plan on how you will achieve future goals ,,and to you he doesn't,,you sound competitive and sounds like he isn't(it sounds like he may be creative),,more a right brain person,,,if you love him and want to stay in the relationship, just start delegating some of the responsibilities to help, a little at a time(don't complain to him the things he's not doing, just sort of ease things in),,it seems that he would do what you want,,,some people like the jobs they're in(no stress)and are satisfied, if you push and he changes jobs to please you it may create a problem down the road if it's something he doesn't like,,,,ask him about his job-if he likes it,what is it about the job that he likes, does it lead to a position making more money,,(he may have plans of his own), now if you no longer love him,,don't waste anymore time,,break it off,,,,Good Luck
    You really need to tell him how you feel. If he doesn't make at least the slightest effort then its time to move on. All relationships require a decent level of commitment for it to succeed. Theres a big diference between someone who has difficulties but is willing to make an improvement compared to someone who is lazy and expects others to practically do everything for them without even attempting to help themselves while others help them.

    Marriages will fail if at least one does not commit and make sacrifices.
    Sounds like you're the complete package and he's just looking for his better half.

    Is this going to work for you? Funny doesn't pay the bills or clean the house.

    Perhaps you should make a list of what would be important to you in a marriage partner and then see how he stacks up. Be honest and true with yourself.
    I was this kind of guy before but you know that the way it is, human are totally and desperately unsatisfied here my point of view,you really don't understand how lucky you were until you loose that one and fall for the kind of guy that will treat you like a piece of **** ';that me now'; and the worst is that you will fall deeply in love and suffer for the rest of your life. Why??? you think that nonsense, that actually is the universal law for stupid woman around the world. You know he love you and that he would be a great dad and a great husband but you don't give a damn and even want to dump him.You lack of what i call the bad guy effect.'; i will explain the bad guy effect to you that would be a guy who have no respect for you or your opinion who always tell you what you want to hear and then **** your best friend .... the best friend you know with the bigger boobs and the great body anyway, the kind of guy who is always sorry but never really think he is, that guy will make you feel like a ***** and you will love him for that and at the same time you will want him to love you more and more but the nearer you come to him you will feel like you are chasing a ghost'; that the bad guy effect.

    What i want you to understand is that you are lucky to have found a man who will love you and respect you, So don't let little stupid thing make you blind and forget what is really important in life. That's to love and to be love anything that come along with that is just the strawberry on the cake.

    think twice before you act or you can regret this for the rest of your life all i can hope is that you will take the right decision.

    Knowing that he will not ever get better at helping out; knowing that it will get worse if you have children and/or buy a home; you have some serious decisions to make. Can you do this for the next 60 years?

    I know many people who could love each other forever, but could never make a life together. As a rule, you should never be with someone and hope they will change. So, are you willing to be the grown up in your relationship for the next 60 years or so?

    I wish you peace in your decisions....
    excellent father? how will he make an excellent father if he doesn't want to provide for his family and is the one who needs to be mothered by you? who needs this romance if he can not pay his bills? not even talking about yours? and sure he is funny - he has no responsibilities in life,he has no headaches. if u re ready to marry a child and be a mother to him and your children - fine. but if u want a real man - a provider, a defender, the one who makes your life secure, the one who would make your worries and problems go away - he is not your man. cos those men aren't funny - they re dead serious. i have one. and they can love u too - and by love i mean action, not just idiotic useless words ';i love u';. who even cares about words?
    You just described what tons of marriages go through..Think about the ';online banking'; someone had to show you or explain to you what online banking was or something had to of let you know that online banking exsisted. All people are the same, when you do not know how to do something, someone has to teach you. When he gets your help, he feels safe that nothing could go wrong. And usually one person in the marriage does hadle the finances, the more suitable person. 95% of men don't have that ';lets keep the house clean'; mentality, and could care less if someone backed a dump truck full of garbage in the yard-- and unloaded.

    Men seem quicker than women to get settled in life. Having a job is his contributions and he sees nothing wrong with staying right where he is..And trust me, if he is enjoying it, and doing well, that is a good thing

    Let me give you some ';old lady'; advice..You are NOT missing anything. Look around you, how many happily married couples have a genuine, funny, kind, romantic man, who SHOWS that he is absolutely in love with his spouse? ';he would never cheat';-- that's 70% of what makes him a great man, you add that to him being able to make a excellent father-- you got a GREAT thing going on, and it will be VERY VERY hard for you to find another partenr that will compare..You may run into someone who is more ';book smart, more settled, more independent'; but you will sacrafice the above for that tpe man. Stick around on M%26amp;D and read the questions these women have, read what's out there.. Let me tell you, the 100% whole complete package does NOT exsist.

    You have ';real'; love right inside your own house, instead of searching for what's not out there, work on improving what YOU got.. You got a security that most people will never know. You are safe with your man, and know what to expect from him. Granted, he could be more independent but look at the things he is, and help him improve what he is missing..When you have a man/partner who will always look out for you as you go through life, you are one-up on most people..

    If you are sure that you are moving in a different direction than your b/f then there will be not alot that will stop you from making the changes you've described, but if your unsure, sit still and make adjustments needed so you can feel more at ease in your own home.. This is long because I wanted to explain many things, in effort to help you. You will ultimately make up your own mind. Best wishes, i hope things works out the way you want...:)
    Love is not something that you DO. It is something that you ARE. Love is not asking for anything - love is a selfless, giving act. What your bf does in his life is not loving. This is why you fee discouraged. He ';says'; that he loves you, but in reality, he does not have a clue. He only parrots what you say and do so that he can get what he really wants - sex. Do not think that this is a foolish endeavor.

    Men give love to get sex - women give sex to get love.

    Think this is just a cutesy line?


    It's the fundamental difference between the sexes.

    Women get their deepest intimacy from communication, from words. This is why most women want to be WITH their beloved. Only in close contact can communication be carried out.

    For men, their deepest intimacy is in sex. Sound juvenile? From the woman's perspective it is. Not from the guys. It's how most men are hard-wired to be.

    This is why romance novels are women's porn. It's all in the words. Not pictures. And for guys - it's all in the visual realm that ';action'; occurs.

    This is why guys ALWAYS look! They have just ';snapshot'; that image into their head for recall later. Women do not do this. Actually, most women can't.

    Take a long look at what you're really getting involved with here. You are involved with a 25 yo child that will be like this for 10-20 more years. He was supposed to be out of this dependent condition a while ago and if he's not out yet - he's got some issues.

    And by your very consent to live with him - you have already told him that he does not need to grow up. You have already cut off your own foot because you can't go back. This is one of those things that you were supposed to right from the beginning and you already screwed it up.

    Good luck

    (you're going to need it)