Sunday, July 25, 2010

Need some relationship advice? I am in a weird love square.?

Started out getting to know and date a certain guy. He is like my ideal person. However he has trust issues and doesn't want a relationship either. He keeps acting like a boyfriend to me at times though. We have never kissed but he always wants to cuddle with me, buy me things, give me flowers, and take me out on dates. Then when I told him to not act like a boyfriend unless he wants to be exclusive, he started hanging around some other girl, who was ';gay';. Then she confessed she liked him and he backed away from her. From her blog it sounds like he did the same to her that he did to me. Then she befriended me and started being very flirtatious with me.

I still have feelings for the guy but someone who wants a relationship has come along. This new guy is easy to talk to and great, but the first guy is still contacting me a lot even though he knows I want to move on. He is even becoming more involved in my life.

Now I am uncertain what to do. Do I wait around for the first guy? Try the new guy? Hang out with the girl and become bi? LOL Need some relationship advice? I am in a weird love square.?
it's a V E N U S world!!! 4u. enjoy!!!

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