Sunday, July 25, 2010

HELP!!! female relationship advice required!!?

i'm a 20 year old lad and my girlfriend is 18 and she shares a bedroom with her 19 year old sister. im looking for advice from a female perspective as to whether im being jealous and insecure or if i am actually fair with my comments. i have been with my girlfriend (gf) for 6 months and we have a really strong relationship and over the past 2 weeks my gf's sister has started dating a lad (a mate of mine) but as of yet are still not in a relationship. However, i have still never slept at my gf's house and whenever we watch a dvd together it is always at my house as she says it is not fair on her sister having me round all the time which at first i was ok with as it is fair enough. However, now her sister with a lad she is not even dating constantly has her lad round for dvd nights and he has even started sleeping at her house whether my gf is home or not and i only get invited if her sister is not sleeping at home which the majority of time she does sleep at home! this has started to cause arguments as i have said it is unfair that she lets her sister have lads round if her sister never lets her but she disagrees and says i am being unreasonable! after we had been together 4 months all of her family and I went out for a meal and drinks for her 18th and i went back to her house with her and stayed till 4am when i rang for a taxi as it was the worst rain storm of the year but no more taxi were still running at this time and so i had to walk 20 minutes home in the terrible weather and early hours of the morning as she said its not fair me staying on her sister not even on the downstairs sofa! yet then i hear her sister is invited her lad round after knowing him 2 weeks and arranging for him to stay and my gf says that its ok! also while we have been together my gfs ex has stayed at her house and i am yet to stay! my gfs mum does not mind and said i could stay as much as i liked if her sister is ok with it! am i being unreasonable in being upset and annoyed at these circumstances or am i just being jealous and insecure?! Please HELP!HELP!!! female relationship advice required!!?
Just wondering if you have had sex with her, if not that might be the issue! Also she may feel insecure about herself and not want you seeing her in the morning or seeing her sleeping. I felt embarrassed taking my boyfriend back to mine when I shared a room with my sister as I felt he didn't really want to be there because he was in amoungst my sisters space. He had a room of his own and I felt he would think less of me for sharing a room. Do you invite her round to yours more. That way she is the guest and it is you that has to make her feel comfortable in a differnt environment. It may also be an issue she has had with a previous boyfriend about staying. Obviously there is something so the best thing would be to ask her about it but be sensitive when you do it. As for her sister, she obviously doesn't have respect for your gf or she wouldn't be allwoing somone to invade your gf's space so much when she hardly knows him. Dont be jealous, at the end of the day she is still with you so she does want to spend time with you but doesn't have the confidence to allow you to stay over. Like I said talk to her and ask her about it. You could try and break this barrier by taking her away for a few days and staying in a hotel togther. This would mean you can spend time together with each other and have your own space whilst also sleeping together overnight.

Hope things work out for you, you seem like a caring guy.

Good luck!!HELP!!! female relationship advice required!!?
It could be she feels uncomfortable letting her sister see her in bed and all with you. Talk to her about it I'm sure it will make it better
You're not being totally jealous and insecure

but i think you need to properly talk about it, cause there may be a reason she doesn't want you to stay over.. maybe she feels that that would mean you are moving to fast? Or maybe she feels embarassed in front of her sister?

Ask her why, but don't turn it into an argument :)
i seriously find it weird that ur gf allows her X to sleep over. heck no ur not being insecure or even jelous wth. its like both men and women dont know how to take care of relationships now a days. if i were u id make it into a very big deal thats not fair thats actually very sad for u to even walk that much in the RAIN! i dont think shes being a good gf or even a caring one.

talk to her seriously, and tell her this is really bothering u and something must be done. let her give u 3-5 reasonable explanations to why you cant stay over with her sis being there. i hope this will help
Hi there. Your feeling jealous and this is normal for what is happening. Maybe she is telling you no because she doesn't want you over for some reason other than what she is saying? I think you need to ask her straight out, and tell her how you feel. Also, the ex bf staying over when she is seeing you, is very very wrong. It isn't acceptable, so please don't put up with this.
What I have read, It seems to me your girl is not ready for you to be an over night guest.Do not push the issue of the sister haveing an over night guest for that will only turn her off to the fact of asking you to stay she does not want to be compaired to her sister just because she has an over night guest does not mean she is ready for the same.If her feelings are as strong as yours she will let you knopw when she is ready for you to stay. Take your time with this because it seems she may start to feel rushed in to something she is not ready for yet There are times one wants to be alone and that does not mean she does not want you around ,She is a lady and may need some time alone to do what all ladies do and that is while you are not there she can rest and be refreshed to see you the next day.She will let you know when she is ready for an over night stay,Treat this with respect for that is the way to a ladys heart.
Ok, your girlfriend is just a user. If she really loved or cared about your relationship she would have worked this out. She knows she can get away with using and abusing you so she doesn't. This relationship will not end well for you if you don't get out of it now. Take my advice and leave before you get more attached and the breakup inevitable breakup becomes even more painful. Trust me if you don't break up with this girl she will eventually break up with you when she finds the guy she does want to have over. It could be 3 years down the road or even in the middle of a marriage and you won't know where it came from. The warning signs are there now, end it.

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