Sunday, July 25, 2010

I need relationship advice. My boyfriend won't call me as much as I want him to. Is he cheating??

I'm lucky if my boyfriend calls me once a week now. When we are together it's really great. He's affectionate and loving but once I leave I won't hear from him for like two or three days (sometimes more). Is this just the way some guys are or is he cheating on me? We've been together for 7 months. I try not to call him because I want to see how long it will take for him to call me. After three days I let go and call him. Help please!I need relationship advice. My boyfriend won't call me as much as I want him to. Is he cheating??
No, it doesn't necessary mean he is cheating on you. It could mean that relationships aren't the center of his world. Meaning, he won't call you as often. So, the question should be, do you want a boyfriend who doesn't call you often?I need relationship advice. My boyfriend won't call me as much as I want him to. Is he cheating??
He may not necessarily be cheating, he could just be pre-occupied with other things but as painful as the realization is, if he was really that into you, he would make more time for you.

You deserve to be treated the way you want to be and the way you treat others. If he isn't fulfilling that for you, move on. You will find someone who will eventually. Until then, being with him is taking away from that much more time you could be happy with someone else.
Sadly he is not serious or not very interested. You need to be the same and very indifferent so you can see how much he is into you. If not then get away and find someone better.
u have to be extremely sure that ur bf actually has the time to call he too preoccupied with work???if the answer is yes then maybe it is just his work....we sometimes expect men to keep calling us and take out even 5 minutes a day to call us but men r not like that.....they do not understand the concept of calling even if they have just 5 u say that things r great between the two of u so it is most unlikely that he is having an affair..... don't push him as he may think u r being too needy....let him have his space ...if it really bothers u that much then let him know that u would really appriciate it if he called more often but accept the situation if he has a genuine reason....all the best.........
  • alpha ahava
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