Monday, August 23, 2010

Help! Need Some Relationship Advice!!?

I have been dating my boyfriend for almost 2 years, he tells me he loves me and I believe him, however he still has his dating profile posted! and not just one he's got several! when i confronted him about this he claims that maybe one day he will take them off. Yet I found out he has posted new ads on new dating sites! and responds to girls who message him on these sites. I feel bad that i did this but i broke into all of his email accounts and found that he's been communicating with an ex girlfriend and that the 2 had met last year and he went as far as to tell her in an email that he wanted things back they way they were. now he's planning on meeting her again in october! he has told her that he's still single! and he said that when they meet he wants things back they way they used to be. I really need some advice on this! he tells me he is always honest with me but has never told me that he met his ex girlfriend! what should i do!Help! Need Some Relationship Advice!!?
It sounds like he's holding you temporarily until he finds his next gf. You decide what comes next. Are you going to wait until you get dumped or will you dump him and find someone else?Help! Need Some Relationship Advice!!?
Actions speak louder than words.

He's telling you that he's being honest, but he hasn't been (he told his ex he's single).

He tells you that he loves you, but he's on dating sites corresponding with other women.

So it's pretty clear here. He's playing with your emotions. Maybe he just wants to keep you around until he gets someone else (or gets his ex grlfriend back). I'm sorry to say but you migh need to move on.
You did the right thing, now all you have to do is finish him. He deserves it. Tell him how much of a dick he is first though. He cant blame you for going through his emails if he is guilty.

You can do way better than him by the sounds of this!! He is a nob. He is just an ignorant bastard. I hate him already. He's up his own ****. good luck x
This May Sound Bad But You Most Confront Him About What You Found.And If You Cant Trust Him With That You Should End The Relationship cause he can't be trusted.He says he is honest but he is really not and you found that out first hand so you should confront him about what you found and leave him and find someone way better.
you sort this and him out girl! you go girl, he shouldn't get away with that!

write an email to that gir and al his friends and family telling them wha a peice of sh.t he is and if you have any nude / embarrasing pics of him send those to them too. maybe, you can be even more intelligent or creative...

at least you have some time to think, just think...

first, you have some thinking to do...
i think the answers r right in front of you. if u got into his email and he really is involved with his ex girlfriend. then i suggest you tell him that he u know that he's involved with his ex. but dont break up with him. cause it might be a misunderstanding. find out the truth.
first give him a chance to explain himself and ask him about it. keep it just to that subject dont get into detain, if he cant explain it tell him you know and ask if he talls his ex he loves her to or if he just lys to you and tell him its over. and trust your gut!!!:)
he sounds like a jerk.

dont feel committed to stay with him bc you guys have been together for so long. i find alot of my friends dont break up with their bfs when they are having serious problems just bc they've been together for so long. its stupid.

just leave him. as harsh as it sounds sweetie he may not be as into your relationship as you are. move on
Do you really need to be told by stranger that you should leave this guy?

If so..............LEAVE HIM - And get yourself in a relationship with someone who you can trust and you don't feel the need to be pathetic and hack their online accounts.
Girl I think you should kick him to the curb and find yourself a good man just for you. He doesn't need to be talking to his ex. Obviously he is still not over his ex. Let him go and and he really loves you he will beg you to come back.
He is going to end up cheating on you if you stay with him. He has been doing all this stuff behind your back so u know u cant trust him. And now ur coming in 2nd to his ex. This guy is a creep and u need to move on.
He's lying. Ooh, that gives me an idea. Have you considered contacting his not-so-ex to let her know that he is a two-timer? Just maybe you could both expose him for the slime-ball he is. Just a thought.
leave him da hell alone and just the fact that u did confront him about it. y wud he post more... he is bad news u do not need that.... u post one and see how he feels about that... exactly he will tell u to take it down,.... kiss him goodbye
Umm, he's moved on, apparently. If you still need some reassuring, set one up yourself with a fake name, send him a message and see how it goes. Then, you will know for sure.
He is lying now and if you where to have an relationship with this guy would you be able to trust him? no! because you have caught him in a lie before.
If you're sure he's being dishonest about something confront him about it. If he continues to lie, the ******* leave him and move on. Don't waste your time with douche bags.
Wel actually the logical thing to do is to break it off with him now. If he loves someone else it's obviously not going to work.
The Enter Key breaks sentences apart to make it look like a new paragraph.

If you do it right, it should look like this.
i think you should say that he left his dating profile page open and it caught your eye, and confront him about what you found there :)
id leave him :\ IT really seems like he wants his ex girlfriend back. I'd just tell him that u have proof abut it and he needs to choose. I may not know u, but every1 deserves better then that ****. gl :x
If someone really really loves you they would not do this to you. Don't fool yourself, look at the evidence. Ditch him now.
the obvious, break up with him.
Confront him about it and ask whats going on. thats the only way you are going to get an answer.
get rid of him hes keeping his options open
Dump him.
get rid of him
girl he is honestly not claiming you so dump his azz.You deserve better trust me.
Um, I think you answered your own question. DUMP HIM! Obviously he wants to have his cake and eat it too. This is a guy who want options and he probably wants to keep you because he likes you, but if things work out with his ex he'll leave you. Its like hold onto to a really shirt until you find something you like better, than when you find something better you put the first shirt back on the rack. But if you don't find something better thats the one you buy..heres a great quote you should keep in mind:

';Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option';

Thats what it appears you are to him; an option.
i have same issues with my bf of two years always hanging out with a bunch of girls. -__- its rediculous. what you do is you have to be straight up about it that it makes you uncomfortable and you dont want him on dating sites or talking to his ex girlfriends cause thats just not right. and you have to be strong about it and YOU need to take charge. tell him exactly how you feel. if he gets mad, you get even more mad. dont let your guard down. and if he refuses to meet your wishes, then you leave him. cause if he's doing what he wants and not what you want, then guess what you dont need him and you can do way wayy way better. cause your the woman here you are the strong one :} guys are stupid :D lolol. so just remember what i said and i hope it goes well. :} you can email me if you need more help go on my yahoo email :}
Well...its risky and ruins live...but i guess its time for advice like moms ex-husband did that to my mom when they were married and it made her sad to the core. i can imagine what it feels like for you. if you break up with him now before he meets with her he may fall soooo far that he will never be able to pick himself up and may lose it and think suicidal, also you will never find out if he just wanted to talk it out or see if there was a positive outcome of what could happen at their meeting. but there may be none, then you can raid his emails after his meeting and talk it out. if there's no way of reasoning this you'll have to let him down slowly, tell im you think you guy need a break. i know it sounds long, but time is what gives a relationship its some cases. ;P but don't fret. remember, there are guys killing out there to find a woman that cares. try your best to satisfy him while satisfying yourself. if you cannot satisfy each other in this relationship it most likely will not work.....i implore you....make the right decision...also...contacting the female prospect that is his acclaimed female friend to stay in the loop...chose wisely...
Ohh this is bad and wrong. In a relationship you need to be commited to that persona nd not talking to other people and have a profile on a dating website. That just means that he wants to meet other people because he is talking to other people. Especially when he is lying to the ex saying that he is still single. He is denying that he is in a relationship for a reason. 2 years is a long time. It is good that you confronted him about it. You need to confront him that you saw what you saw. It is wrong that you went into his email but it is wrong of him to lie to his ex. It is equal here but he is in the wrong more.

Tell me what he says after you confront him and then i will give more advice, if you want.


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