Monday, August 23, 2010

I need some friendship/relationship advice?

Okay so a bit of background. There's this guy I've been talking to and we started liking each other, though I've developed deeper feelings he also had some feelings for me. There are two barriers to use being in a relationship, the latter of the two being the issue at hand: 1) The 2,000 miles in distance, and 2) the fact that he's gay and I'm bisexual. You may ask why is him being gay and me being bi an issue. Well he has some predjudice beliefs about bisexuals and refuses to date bisexual men.

So I tried to supress my feelings women to please him but to no avail. I, like an idiot, told him I was now completely gay. Not long after I saw my ex-girlfriend an upon seing her I was stricken with desire. I, also in my idiocracy, told this guy about meeting her and how I though she looked beautiful and how I took her to lunch, which I did do but only a friendly innocent lunch, since any animiosity from me and her break-up has faded away in time.

Now he's under the impression that I lied to him about being gay, which is partially true, since I was trying to become gay. He thinks I was still pursuing women when I was not, I was trying to abandon them.

What should I do? I'm trying to talk to him but he has a thick skull. He's already tried to sever all ties with me over his belief I lied maliciously about being gay.I need some friendship/relationship advice?
Have you had sex with him yet?I need some friendship/relationship advice?
Well dude. You shouldn't be with someone that doesn't except you for who you are. You shouldn't try to change or become something your not to please someone else. The right person, will like you for you.
Don't try to please him. Think about you. What do you want?
Dude, nullify all conversations about your ex-girlfriend. Talk more about you two, and about you being Gay. The things you've done, how you feel and all, and just stay in the same subject with him. Or change the subject to something he'd like. Make him laugh and all, make him like you. Show him that you like him. Talk to him as if he's your boyfriend. Hopefully he'll change his mind about you lying to him.

Edit: And what's up with your name? lol......

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