Monday, August 23, 2010

I Need Some Serious Relationship Advice..Can You Please Help Me?

ok so as most of my contacts know I have been going through heart break for the past 3months...I was with him for 2years..In those 2yrs I have felt so much love but at the same time so much pain..our love was amazing but there was so many problems..He would go to his boys house and end up not coming home till I was ready for bed that was near the end...we use to fight constantly about the smallest and dumbest things..He was the most jealous guy I had ever been with so that caused a lot of problems especially considering there was NO reason he had to be jealous...I didn't work at certain places,I lost all my friends,I pretty much stayed home with NO human contact just for his happiness...yet me doing all of that was never enough..he'd always find a way to start a fight, there was good things though...he was my best friend..we would stay up all night just talking about everything and laughing..he could make me laugh like nobody else.. And now I am stuck dealing with whether or not I should go back with him...This is the hardest decision I have ever had to deal with...I feel like I am losing my mind..I don't even know whats best for me anymore...Please I would really appreciate your advice and honesty...Thanks so much : )I Need Some Serious Relationship Advice..Can You Please Help Me?
Someone that isolates you from your friends, family, work, other social contacts and is extremely jealous - that's not love, that's a toxic obsession. You need relationship rehab. Get clean (unaddicted), reclaim yourself and be open to decent guys that will let you live a normal life and still make you laugh and be happy on a regular basis without the fights and drama.

You can do it. Good luck!!!I Need Some Serious Relationship Advice..Can You Please Help Me?
Your just going through relationship withdrawals, he isolated you, then was your best friend.

That is a form of mind control, you sound very sweet and I have been hurt before, so take it from one that has had hearbreaks. Just forget, move on , you will be so glad you did

be stong sunshine
Don't do it... It's a waste of your time. You just feel lonely cuz your not with anyone right now. So having someone, even if it was some jerk, sounds like a good idea. You can't lose all your friends and your social life for some guy.
sounds like if you go back to him it will only be more fights,my advice would be to try and forget and move on,you deserve better
dont do it , its probably the best for both sides .
Has his jealousy and dominance gotten worse and worse. It definitely doesn't sound like a good situation to be in. I just got out of a very controlling manipulative situation with my x. We were together almost 6 years this Nov. and have a beautiful 5 year old girl. And it ended pretty ugly. You can't let people control you as a human. You know what's right and wrong in choice and decision land. He should have trust and faith in you as a partner and friend.

**wow, I understand you.

gosh, uh, well, at this point in time, I believe it is now time to ask yourself the BIG Q's.

for example, would it be right if you got back together with him?

would it be just more fights and heartaches?

would it be right if you just let go of the past and move on with my life?

Life's not all about sweets and candies, right?

sometimes, there are broccolis on your dinner plate..

but, why not try accepting the broccoli and just drink lots of mango juice after eating that awful thing?

wouldn't it be easier and more rightful?

remeber that your sin will find you out.

God Bless!

look i do not know you well but sorry for telling you my answer .

i think that you miss this guy as friend as he makes you laugh and talk with you and you love him for that reason , you want him for talking and laughing and not for try to find someone who displaces him , it will be very bad idea to be with him again , this guy seems to me he wants to fight with you and why he did not call you to get back together , believe me find someone else as friend , in this time you are not ready for new relationship . i know he wants him back and you wish that we (yahoo answers) agree with you but i tell you my opinion . GOOD LUCK
Ask yourself, ';Should I go back to him just because he can make me laugh like nobody else and constantly give me 100 times more pain?'; Do you want to sacrifice everything that you've got and you might get just for that laugh?

The answer is very simple, a big NO to that person. Its time that you stop thinking and caring about such people. I feel, the intention of such people is to have all the fun alone and use us as back-ups for emergencies. Please don't fall prey to such people. What's done is done, just move on, there are good things waiting for you! Don't give second thought on this. I'm sure that you still have no idea how much good you deserve in life! Just leave him behind and you'll get your rewards!

BTW, I can say that we were living the same life for the past 2 years. Just that, I'm a guy and my problems were from that girl, everything else is so similar. Its the very same story! So, I don't want to say anything more. Just forget him and move on!
hiya, 'tis i spirit using this account until 3:00 am. well i told you before and i will say it again, i know it's hard. loneliness sucks, and it seems sometimes, something is better than nothing. but abt 12 days ago i took the advice of a lady friend on-line, and completely shut out my ex. no e-mail, phone calls anything. see my question from a lttle while ago. as soon as i slammed the door, i felt somewhat releived, and even in this short time, i catch myself smiling at something my cat does, or feeling good when i hear certain songs or something.right now you come on here and folks make you smile and laugh. the problems will never go away, it is not likely he will ever change, and you deserve better than that. just look at how many guys, myself included you got crushing on you, and you never post anything sleazy or even remotely sexual, so i can only imagine how many men that actually know you in person would do anything to be with you.just give someone a chance you deserve more happiness than you have now, and more than he gave you. try to keep remembering why you broke it off in the first place, don't fall into the trap my ex had me in for nearly 12 years, damn it i wasted a gooddeal of my life. whatever it's your choice, and i really don't know how deeply you feel for him, but i do know loneliness, and nicotine cravings can exagerrate emotions. always here for ya friend!

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