Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I need dating/relationship advice.?

I've was with my past girlfriend for over 6 months now and things were going fine for a while, but then she began to become very jealous over the most petty things, such me even smiling at another girl. We started arguing about stupid jealousy things like that almost daily. I eventually ended up cheating on her several times and finally just broke up with her. I've been single for almost a year now, because I haven't wanted to deal with that same bullshit again.

However, I'm ready to get back in the game. Problem is, I just moved to a new area and I know absolutely no one. It's a very small area at that(no clubs, very few bars, no colleges, etc.) I've always met women in those types of areas and now I haven't a clue as to where to meet a decent girl. Where are some places where I could possibly meet a girl my age(21)?I need dating/relationship advice.?
if youre meant to get a girl then she'll come to you. you just have to be patient. even po-dank towns have some hotties somewhere. just wait your turn.
  • blackheads
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