Monday, August 23, 2010

Can I get some relationship advice?

Im just going to give you a quick rundown of whats up. Im 23, have a 21 yr old girlfriend, we're both in college and living together. We've been together fro 4 years now, but Ive found that little by little I dont want to be with her anymore. She does, but I havent told her about it. Anyways, Ive met this one girl and she has the looks of the type of woman I always use to want to be with and is also someone Id love to be with. The thing is, she doesnt know Im in a relationship. Should I go out on a few dates on the side and if it works out, break up with my girlfriend?Can I get some relationship advice?
You owe it to your girlfriend to be there for her at this moment in time because you live with her. Finish the lease or the current month or whatever understanding the 2 of you came up with. If this other woman is coming on to strong or wants to get together to quick, that is a red flag for a train wreck that has already happened and your just going to go by to collect the dead bodies.Can I get some relationship advice?
No you should break up with your girl friend first!! If you dont want to be with her dont string her along. Also when and if this new girl finds out about her wich is very possible especially if your girlfriend is the type to trip then the new girl wont trust you and might not want to be with you because she will see you as a liar and a cheater and she might not want you to treat her the same way. You dont want to be that guy do you? Break up with your girl enjoy being single and see whtas up with the new girl. Also you dont want the new girl to possibly deal with the drama of either you moving out or her moving out, it could be nasty
Depends on your understanding with the girl you're currently dating. If she thinks you two are exclusive and not dating others, then you need to break up with her or downgrade your relationship before you go out with that other girl.

Not only is that the right thing to do, but if this new girl finds out that you have a girlfriend then she'll probably not have enough trust in you to consider a relationship.

Plus you'll be more successful with this new girl if you feel more unattached.
Never, it could end up bad with both of them. Break up with your girlfriend and then date the other girl. If it doesn't work out or you decide you want the other girl, say it was a big mistake. Maybe you are just getting bored with the relationship. Spice things up and do something you normally don't do. :) Go on an adventure or do something before giving up.
Don't cheat on her. Don't. Even if you don't want to be with her, she doesn't deserve that. I could probably give you more advice if I knew how well you know this other woman, but I would say you should get to know her, talk to her but don't go on a date with her. Yet. If you think you should be with her, than you just tell your girlfriend that it's not the same and that you're breaking up with her. Don't tell her that there's another woman, but don't say there isn't another woman.

Good luck! hope this helped
No, that would be cheating. Be sure that the relationship you're in is not the one you want. Just because the grass looks greener doesn't mean it isn't. Besides, you and the current g/f have a lot of history together. Don't be ready to throw all of it away just because some fresh legs is walking by.
ouu i've been in this situation.

okay, first of all.

end the relationship with your girlfriend if your thinking about dating someone else.

It's not fair of you to go out with some other girl while dating someone else.

It's not fair to lie to both, and you'll just end up feeling guilty in the end.
I'm not so sure that's a good idea. If your present girlfriend finds out you have been sneaking around she will get pretty upset, especially if she still wants to be with you. If you want to break it off with her, do it. There is no point in making yourself suffer. After you have broken up with her wait for a few weeks to make your move on this new girl. You don't want to crush your present girlfriend's feelings by jumping to another girl right off the bat. Good luck!
No! Don't do that! That's called ';cheating';... LoL.

Date or not, spending time with this other girl, and getting to ';know'; her is cheating. It makes you a player. To sink to that level.

What you need to do is... well. If you DON'T like the girl you're currently dating, break up with her! I mean, if you don't like her you don't like her...

Break up with her and get to know the other girl. Don't get to know the other girl and keep dating the other at the same time.

Hell no bro. ! think about it for a second. seing someone while being with someone is bad enough as it is. not to mention u've been with the chick for 4 years. i say, leave with dignity, tell ur lady how u really feel and that its best to see other people. and hey, if the other relationship dosnt work out. you can always go back i guess ? good luck !
I would break up with your current girlfriend first because I'm sure she'd feel pretty bad if she ever found out about the other girl and probably be mad at you, but if you broke up now you might still be able to be friends? I dunno. Just my thoughts.
The best thing you can do is just end things with your girlfriend. It may hurt her but she'll get over it eventually, but if she finds out you dated another girl while with her she will be more hurt. Who knows, maybe things with the other girl will work out.
No. That would be cheating, and cheating is not ok.

If you've lost interest in your girlfriend anyway you should be breaking up with her reguardless of if you have met someone new or not.

Dishonesty never pays off.
lame dude, make a decision about your current situation. Before you drag another person into the picture. You're just going to end up hurting someone who was once dear to you, and still cares about you.
don't be with someone you have no interest in. but maybe you just lost your interest because you've been together for a while. having dates on the side wouldn't be a smart thing to do though.
No. Be honest and break up with your GF first. Sneaking around and cheating are immature and stupid. You will not like yourself very much. You were too young to get into such a serious relationship. It was bound to fail.
I would definently not cheat on your girl friend like that. I would break up with her b4 i do anything like that....

Well first of all if you got caught then you would just ruin both relationships.

Also this girl that you have been dating for 4 years is probably in love with you, and to lead her on and just use her as a back up plan, isnt fair to her or yourself.

Break up with your current Girlfriend now if you dont like her anymore, then see what happens with this new girl.

If it works out, then great,

if not it just means it wasnt ment to be and you will find someone eventually and until then enjoy being single since you havent been for the past 4 years.
no don't do that

if you don't want to be with her anymore, break up with her now then date, you seem like a nice guy so imagine yourself in her situation she will have to deal with a breakup so it wouldn't be nice if she has to deal with an ex who went out behind her back and dated someone else as well, it's too much

good luck i hope i helped
NOOOO. do NOT do that to your girlfriend! :( seriously, if you respect her...respect her feelings and break up with her first. oh cant have ur cake and eat it too mr! dont be a fraidy cat and think that you can just take ur pick of the two a man and do it like any gentleman would do. break up with her...because ur not in love with her anymore. then, if u want u can do whatever after that because your single.

man, i am BEGGING you...from a woman's point of view....please dont do that to ur current girlfriend. step up and do what needs to be done.
No. Either way its a lose lose situation.

You are going to leave your current girlfriend heart broken by leaving her unfortunately.

I think you are growing out of your relationship with your current gf but you need to explain to her in caution when you break up with her.

I don't think its best to rush into anything with another girl. Chances are you might either fall completely head over heels for this new chick or realize you don't wanna be with her so your back to square one.

I will edit my answer if you add more detail.
no if ur already having doubts then break up with ur 1st one and date her ull b happy then no matter wat

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