Saturday, August 21, 2010

I need relationship advice :(:(?

I dated the same guy for 2 years, we broke up over a year ago. I was controlling %26amp; I didn't trust him when we were dating so eventually it pushed him away and he left me. I didn't realize how crazy I acted towards him until after we broke up. We both moved on, but about a month ago we started talking again...

We text almost everyday, and we have hung out a total of maybe 4 or 5 times. The first time we hung out, he just came to my house %26amp; we talked for a couple of hours. The second time, I went to his apartment where we had intercourse 3 times. The third time we hung out we just went to starbucks %26amp; talked again. And the fourth time we hung out he came to my place where we had sex again. When we did it this time he asked if he could *** inside of me (sorry for the TMI), and he knows I'm not on any type of birth control. I just ignored him thinking that he wasn't being serious, but I didn't realize he was until AFTER he finished. So, I made the comment to him 'I hope I don't get pregnant' and he would just tell me not to freak him out. Well, after that we went shopping, and while we were there he kept pointing out baby stuff and saying 'we should get started shopping early'... I just kind of laughed it off. That night I decided that I was going to bring up our relationship to him so I told him that I wanted him back, and all he would say is 'i can't right now'. I decided that I couldn't keep talking to someone who would never take me back so I told him that I couldn't keep talking to him. All he said was 'if thats what you want'. We went about 24 hours without talking, and I finally text him and said that i miss him.. he told me he misses me too. Well, yesterday we were talking and I asked him 'why are you holding back?' and he said 'because it's hard for me not to with you'.

I don't know what to think... and I don't know what to do.

I love him with all my heart, and I would do anything to get him back... I've told him that and all he says is 'well?'

What am I supposed to do??? What do you think he is thinking????I need relationship advice :(:(?
You are just his booty call: dumb enough to have sex with him with no relationship and dumber to fall into the no condom trick.

Of course he stalls when you bring up a relationship, you are the crazy ex that accepts booty calls with no strings attached, and sorry, no men will pass on of free sex. He is not required to tell you where he is at or what is he doing, so why would he want to go back to the physco/controlling leash with you??... I'm sure that he is saving the ';relatioship status'; for a smart, serious, mentally stable woman that doesn't go bed hopping and respects herself.

Good luckI need relationship advice :(:(?
I think he is not committing to you what so ever. You have told him what you want and his answer is not one that would give any hope of a committed relationship. He has made that very clear to you. so now. what on earth are you doing taking a chance like that with this guy or any guy. Do you want to ruin your life as you know it to be now? Having a baby will run this guy off so fast it isn't funny. I hope to god you are not thinking in the back of your head that you want a baby cause it would be his. He will have nothing to do with you or that baby. He won't even commit to a going steady type of relationship now, and that baby comment he made meant nothing. believe me. Don't even get your hopes up because he just happened to mention something like that at the spur of the moment. If you have a baby you better be prepared to have it alone. My advise to you id to not let anyone come inside you and GET ON BIRTH CONTROL!!! What are you thinking girl if you are having sex and not on any type of birth control? For gods sake get on it or you WILL get pregnant, if you aren't already.
First off, WAYYYYYYYYYY TOO MUCH INFO! LOL! I thought you were going to end pregnant, but you didnt, so that info wasn't really necessary. Anyways, Im not relationship expert but I think hes just scared to rush into things. He clearly still has feelings for you so I assume hanging out is very hard for him as you two have never acted like ';just friends.'; You say you broke up a year ago, maybe he is torn whether or not he wants to be in a serious relationship after a year of being solo.

I would lay everything out on the table to him. Tell him you realize the error of your ways, you will not be like that again and that you want to be with him. If he is still unsure about wanting to be with you, I would move on. Its very hard to hold a torch for someone who wont be with you and will cause you nothing but heartache in the end. I am not saying this will happen, I just think you should be looking out for yourself in this situation.

Good Luck!

I am going to amend my answer after reading blunt's...well she is a little harsher than me but I would have to agree with her. If you were as bad as you say you were you have probably been labeled as ';that girl'; so chances are he doesn't want to be with you. Stop sleeping with him ASAP and don't let your insecurities take over in your next relationship. I would seriously just move on. Once you have been deemed that girl, its really hard to recover in the eyes of the ex.
What should you do? Smarten up and kick him out of your life. You never should have gotten back with an ex, especially one who doesn't seem interested in you. I suggest taking plan B if it's not too late, and hoping that nothing happened and you're not pregnant.

I would change my number and never text him again. I was in a relationship similar to this, and believe me - it doesn't get better.
Honestly? He's wanting his cake and eat it too.You are giving him the sex he wants without any real commitment from him so why commit? (In his mind) Has he told you why he won't commit to you again? Have you told him that you realize where you messed up and you are willing to do what it takes to make it work? It sounds like you need some concrete answers and if he's not willing to give them, move on.No one should have to put up with games like that. It's your heart and only you can protect it. I wish you the best of luck and just as a precaution, I would suggest a pregnancy test and an STD panel to be sure.
The guy sounds like a douchebag. he already told you that he wasn't willing to be with you for now, but it sounds like hes actually trying to get you pregnant. be very thoughtful about the situation before you make any more moves on him. ask yourself what you see for the relationship six months down the road, and even 5 years down the road before you decide to let him back into your life
Your being used for sex dear. And deep down I thik you know this. And call it a hunch but I think you enjoy it and want his baby so when you get pregnant, you can just pass it off as his fault and not your own.

He can't be in a relationship with you and he knows that so the next best thing to that is sex. But before you make the biggest mistake of your life and bring a child into a world with parents who can't trust each other or even want to be with each other (well he doesn't,except for the sex part) you should keep your legs closed. He's obviously playing you!!!
He's afraid of getting hurt again. OBVIOUSLY, you guys still have pretty strong feelings for each other. Tell him how you feel, say that you didn't realize how much you had hurt him until after he was gone, and how you promise you'll try harder, because you still love him, and you know he still loves you.

BUT, he also is probably using you for the sex too, be careful.

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