Saturday, August 21, 2010

I need some relationship advice..please! ?

I have been with my bf for 2 years, we have a one year old daughter together. I love him, and I love our daughter with all my heart BUT we have some serious issues. He has a son from his previous relationship. I don't care for him at all as he is very bratty and mean to our daughter. My bf does not want to get married for a looonng time, if ever, and he had a vasectomy with out telling me a year ago. I wanted another baby down the road. I also wanted to get married. His mom does not like me %26amp; never supported us having our daughter. So with all of this crap I am like, maybe we shouldn't be together? Maybe I should move on..? I met a man who does want to get married and have children and he really likes me and I am confused. Should I leave my bf and persue this other guy? Or should I just stick it out and hope for the best? I am praying every day but am feeling over whelmed. I told my bf about this guy who I have been talking to and he does not believe me lol. He thinks its some joke, but its not. Eh..I need some relationship advice..please! ?
I think you need to be honest with your boyfriend. talk to him about how you're feeling. Tell him whats on your mind. Maybe with you being honest to him he will open up as well and give reasons for his decisions. I say definetly be friends with this new guy, also explain your situation clearly to him and let him know you are interested. You never know what will happen down teh track. just remmeber to be true to yourself and do what feels right. No one cna tell you whether you have made the rihgt or wrong decision, becuase it is yours.I need some relationship advice..please! ?
if ur not happy where u are in life, and it sounds like ur not then get out cause itll just get wrse, especially if u wanna have more kids and get married. and ur partner dont
It sounds like you need to really reflect on the whole family situation that you are currently in. The mother and son are a package deal in your boyfriends life. If you're not willing toward making it work with them then you don't really care about your boyfriend enough to stay with him.

Leaving for someone else is not the answer. You should decide first if you want to continue on in your current relationship with better communication. Then you can decide what is come after, but don't escape one wrong mistake for another. There will always be another guy.

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