Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I need some relationship advice?

Ok I dont know where to start. Im currently in a relationship. Its been about 4 months since we've been together. Everything between has been cool.She's really into her family. She enjoys spending lots of time with them, which fine with me. I jus got use to the fact that she likes to be up under her parents (Just to let you know my girlfriend is 24), now her niece and nephew is over her house for the summer. All she wants to do is play video games or whatever. The whole point im tryin to make is I feel neglected. I feel that I shouldnt have to deal with all this stuff. If I would have known all this about her I wouldnt have gotten with her. She says that shes giving me all the time she has. All the other time she has she uses playing video games or doing something with them. She wont spend time with me. I'm hurt. I wish I could see the fine print behind her head. I'm not to sure what I should do. Seems like something small maybe but its really bothering me.I need some relationship advice?
If you have all ready set down and talked to her bout how you are feeling, and she gave you her answer, that she is all ready giving you the all the time she has, then that is that!

You will have to decide now if you want to continue in this relationship, knowing that what you have with her is all your going to get. There is nothing wrong wrong with wanting to spend time with family, that is just the kind of person she is. It sounds like your not that type.

Good Luck!I need some relationship advice?
Sorry bro, I gotta say it tho, grow a pair and speak your mind! If you're doing all you can to contribute to the relationship and all she can find time for is to play video games and that bothers you, say something about it. A relationship is a two way street between two people, both have to give and be equals, and if that's not happening for you, you've got to make some choices about what you're going to do about it.
Sit her down maybe and tell her how you really feel again and that you don't like being hurt. Maybe you guys can make an arrangement where she can have her game and family time, but you would also like some you time too. Tell her flat out that it bothers you.

This is going to sound really weird, but everything you described in your post sounds like a person I actually know. She doesn't happen to play wow does she? o.0
If you're feeling left out then join in.

Play games with her.

Spend time with her and her neice and nephew.

Try to be understanding, although it's hard.

She doesn't mean to make you feel left out.
Lose her. She is immature and has no self identity.
I heard this old Jamaican guy sing a song that made me think.

The fist line is,';If your mother and your wife were drowning, which one would you save first?';

The last line is ';The answer is your Mother. You can always find another wife but you can never have another mother.';

Sadly, she can always get another boyfriend.

The point is family is family if you aren't married yet, you have to respect that. You're still two people with your own lives. You're not part of the family yet. Its normal to feel neglected, but its not like she's out with another guy. You will have to see if she can let you share in that family time, (hard to do and somewhat awkward especially if you're not married) or just deal with it and enjoy some time to yourself when she's engaged in family activities.

I had to set my wife straight on that early on. She used to get jealous of my Mom because I would call her for advice. She felt like I was undermining her. Its not that its just family. I had to tell her that she's part of the family too and my Mom would treat her like one of her own kids. It took years but now she's cool with it.

Maybe she's not the girl for you (or you're not the guy/person for her) if you have trouble with her family life.

If this is meant to last, believe me you'll forget about this and start worrying about stupider things like tooth paste squeezing habits.

Good luck.

EDIT: I didn't realize what group this is, please remove any gender references that don't apply to you and replace them with one's that do. It can be really hard for same gender couples to integrate into each other's families. I've seen it go bad before, but not always. I really wish you luck and happiness.
This may not help much but they say to LOVE is TO SHARE. Maybe besides really beign close to her family she is has great maternal instinct and will be a great mother so she is really good with kids and since she has nokids of her own yet, she really enjoys spending time with her nephew and neice. But does not realize that she is not satisfying your needs only hers. Ohhh this is a tough one cause you can't really talk to her know cause it would only make things worst.

Why don't you try taking out the kids to the movies and to do stuff with them with her. This way you get to spend time with her and she gets to spend time with them and take them out..
THink about a good movie. U know just jump in there and play video games too, she prob be like wtf but then think its cool taht you want to get involved with her family.... AHHAHH GOOD GOOD. well then what you should do is secretly find a babysitter, to watch the kids at night, and well take her out on a nice weekend night, to a great resturant, be all romantic, and maker her feel good. Challenge her to a game and let the kids watch it can become funny/competivie, and if you two can get into it the kids might enjoy the fact that you two are getting along, and then the kids get a turn, at vrs eachother, and you two can get some time to sit and talk ect. (i know my spelling is off I dont care atm)

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