Saturday, August 21, 2010

Im ina trouble relationship, advice? help needed?

Ok well, we always seem to fight like a lot, and he blames me, and i some what agree only because i give him attitude

The only reason why I give him attitude is because before we got together he told me he is a flirt, and i believe he still is.

I know I'm stupid i got with him knowing that but i like really like this person.

He has a best friend and they call each other bf and ut but just ';messing around';

my best friend told me she doesn't like him for me, and thinks my ex boy friend is way better that i should get back with him

all these girls flirt with him and I'm scared that he does too, my bestfriend says it sounds like he is

she told me to break up with him.

What should I do? /:Im ina trouble relationship, advice? help needed?
Well, it's never a good Idea to get back with someone you left. You left for a reason right?

If you're so concerned though, you may want to end it. Unless the basic purpose of dating has changed, you're trying to find the perfect person for you.

If things are so far from perfect, why waste time?Im ina trouble relationship, advice? help needed?

you guys fight alot so then:

*Dont get an attitude

* Dont raise your voice, if he is, tell him ';please lower you voice down'; with a little smile.

* Then talk the whole thing over. %26amp; if you did anything, say'; Im srrie, I'll make sure it doesnt happen again'; Give him a kiss %26amp; smile.

[Believe me, it works with my bf %26amp; we've been together for 8 so far]

The flirting thing i cant help you with...

But tell him you dont respect the fact girls are messing with him. %26amp; ask him to NOT enflewnice it.

Hope everything goes well :]

its hard to tell, if hes a flirt than he might just do it for attention, most guys just flirt to see the other side of women or to just have fun. If you catch him cheating then break up, but other than that you might be jelous, i get that feeling too when my gf flirts or talks to other men
listen to your best friend. You can tell him to stop being a flirt but it wont stop him.
wow. First I must say that if you both can't fix your issues without argueing than maybe you ought to think about who your with. Also him being a flirt well we all do it but it depends on what type of flirting your doing and how far he takes it, also if your not happy with it than he should correct it so your not feeling upset but those are also your emotions to and know one can change the way you feel but you, there is a reason why you feel that way insecurity has to do with you so think about why you feel that why. Also it's never good to go back words, your X is your X for a reason for what ever reason he became your X it dosn't mean that it will be different when you both get back together, so be careful. Also you should never just blame yourself for anything what happens in your relationship it takes to, you should take respondsability for what you have control over. First you should have a talk with you BF and be honest with him, if that dosn't change anything than you should really think about taking some space, because right now your not in a health relationship. Good Luck
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