Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I need some relationship advice? Is anyone willing to help me?

I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years now. I love him to bits but I feel as though our relationship is fizzeling out. We are only 19, so have been together since our early teens. He does tell me he loves me all the time but we have some issues.

We don't do anything together anymore, it's like he cant be bothered with me anymore. I do think that he loves me but I just feel as though he assumes I'm here to stay and doesn't think about whether I am happy or not. Again I'm only guessing, this is just how it seems.

This morning he wanted to have sex, so we started off just touching and whatever and I accidentelly head butted him a little NOT HARD AT ALL. And then he told me to get off cause I was annoying him.

He went out of the room and then he came back in a rage saying that sex is boring now and that I'm turning boring and I'm not the same though I don't notice anything different? Is our relationship just falling apart or what, he gets annoyed/aggitated with me about the littlest things and sometimes I feel like he can't stand me being there.

Sometimes when I stay over his he will tell me that I have to go now? For no real reason just that he wants to 'get some things done' or 'sort something out?' Obviously this hurts quite a bit cause there is no real reason. He just wants me to go.

I don't know what to do to help the relationship? When I suggest doing something like going for a walk or going cinema he will just say it's boring? He has no motivation to do anything with me, again I do believe that he loves me though. How am I suposed to make anything exciting if we don't go anywhere or do anything?

Please help me or give me some advice anyone? I don't know where to go from hereI need some relationship advice? Is anyone willing to help me?
Let him go. It's time for you two to part ways and move on.I need some relationship advice? Is anyone willing to help me?
Sounds like this relationship has run it's course. You need to break up and move on.
wow i think you need to talk to him first about how your feeling. and if he says stupid stuff and hurts you're feelings it seems lk he is trying everything he can to hurt you so you can break up with him. maybe he has someone on the side? have you thought about that? i'd ask. maybe yall are spending too much time together. but talk about it or else it can get worse.
I think it's amazing that you've been in a four year relationship considering how young you were when it began.

Have you talked to him about his behavior ? He may be going through a phase where things are a Lottee stale for him, but I don't think it is necessary for him to behave in the way which you have described as it is hurtful.

I would normally believe that relationships at your age don't last long because most people feel the need to experience seeing a variety of people rather than sticking to just one.

Sometimes in a relationship, one person changes and the other one remains the same. I don't know enough about your relationship but maybe he feels that he needs to move on and maybe he's lashing out

at you to create a distance and maybe push you away.

As I wrote above, sit him down and talk to him. Tell him about how you feel and ask him what it is that he wants. Be prepared to hear something that may not be pleasant. At your age, guys are pressured to play the field and experience as many different girls as possible. Perhaps he's under this pressure? Either way he should not be treating you the way that he does. I see that you've tried to make things more exciting for you two, but he needs to make an effort too. If he really doesn't want to put forth the effort then it's time for both of you to move on to something better.

I hope this has helped you. I wish you the best, sweetie.
If i was you i would take the hint and leave, now i'm not saying he doesnt care but he is acting as if he doesn't want to be around you. He doesn't sound like he will stick around, he will probably end up trying to break up with you, and you don't need to be there as his footstool especially because you arent even married. I think you should move on, you deserve better, I don't think it will last. Just my opinion, hope for the best:)
Everyone needs personal alone time. He may just need some space and that is not a bad thing at all. You both have been together since you were very young. Have you considered taking a break from each other and giving him a chance to miss you?

If he is bored with you ask him what if anything can be done to liven things up again?

He could also be depressed and not want to have to deal with a relationship now,if he is agitated out of the blue. Maybe you have changed as you've grown more mature and he is not where you are at emotionally.

If so the relationship may be done.
I'm sorry to hear that your going through this in your relationship, but I'm just guessing also it sounds to me that there maybe another women he's seeing, how can he say that your boring in bed when he's probably the one that sucks he may be but trying to put the blame on you.... Tell him next time that he ain't no prize neither ..

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