Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I need some relationship advice, someone please help me?

Ok, so here is the problem. I really like this guy, James and he really likes me too, but he also likes 2 other girls.. He is always sitting at lunch with Milly (one of the girls he likes) and it annoys me.. I also get upset when I see him hugging one of the other girls.. We used to be really close like he is with Milly.. We used to go out after school, and sit with each other at lunch.. but its all changed now :( He says he still likes me tho.. I just want him back :( just me %26amp; him, it was great then :D .. Milly only likes him because he likes her.. and its so annoying and I with he could see that.. Everyone says we look great together and that we should go out, but he wont go out with any of us because he likes all 3 of us alot. We have lost out spark. We used to have great romantic conversations. Help me get him back? :(

-Anna.I need some relationship advice, someone please help me?
He is gone. Get used to it. You will be wasting your time and making a foolo of yourself tring to ';get him back';

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