Monday, August 23, 2010

Any one with relationship advice?

ok, so i've been with my ex bf for 6 1/2 years...i found out he was cheating on me so we broke up on april 2nd...lately i met a guy last thursday (4/9/09) we exchanged numbers and he's been texting me every day just learning about eachother...we made plans for Friday (tonight) and he text me @ 3pm and said ';so are we still on for tonight?'; i answered him ';yes y?'; he never responded or called so @ 5:30pm i called 830 i text him ';you F'n stood me up! U sux'; responce!

Y do guys give mixed signals...should i continue to talk to him if he calls or text me or should i just stop all communication with him?Any one with relationship advice?
i would call him again afterwards and get an explanation of what happened! Give him another chance if he fails to show up just stop the connection because chances are he'll keep doing this!Any one with relationship advice?
Im in the military, and at certain unexpected times, and without any warning I can disapear for hours,days,months. I dont know his situation but give the guy a chance, it could be an honest mistake, something could have happened, if he dosent call you or answer a txt back the next day, move on, you just broke up with you ex, so I would gurantee you are in a state of loneliness, and are acting on those emotions, give it some time, you should be alone right now, taking some you time, not looking for another guy at the moment.

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