Monday, August 23, 2010

Can youhelp me??? relationship advice?

My partner, when he has been to a party sometimes shares a bed with 1 or more people... when theres 3 of them there Its not so bad,,, but I dont like it full stop. he is 30 im 26... I feel it something 17 year olds do... not adults in comitted relationships?Can youhelp me??? relationship advice?
Party or no party, when in a committed relationship no one should be in your bed or your partner's but you too. I would talk to him about how it makes to you feel and stress that it's not what someone his age does, sleep overs and in the same bed with people i don't care how many people is actually in the bed Even small kids and teenagers that have sleep overs don't even share the same bed these days it's not a cool thing in todays time and age.Can youhelp me??? relationship advice?
He shouldn't be sharing a bed with anyone if he's in a comitted relationship. He's too old for slumber parties, and he shouldn't be staying the night with a bunch of people if he has a girlfriend. If he's drunk, he can always call you or someone else for a ride, rather than sharing a bed with people you may or may not know or trust.
I read your question, but you need to give MORE details, guy %26amp; guy partner relationship? or girl %26amp; guy rela? 3 guys in bed or 3 girls in bed or a mixture of both sexes? What is meant by FULL STOP??? what do you mean, you feel it something 17 yrs old? %26amp; WHAT? not adults in comm. rela? You need to rewrite this question, give more details and Please explain yourself more clearly, as I have no idea, what you are talking about.....
He is one weird man. u need to question him thats the only way u can get answers.
Make him come out to his family, or dump him...he shouldn't disrespect you like that. Stand up for yourself man.

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