Saturday, August 21, 2010

I need total relationship advice..... can you help?

SO me and my boyfriend are like the best couple ever, but i'm discovering we don't have much in common. I mean like i REALLY like him and he's SO nice, but he always finds a way to piss me off so much. What should i do? like every night he says i'm cute or pretty or adorable or smart or funny! he's so cute and nice! i don't know what to do!!!! like we got in this huge fight but every time we do fight i always realize i don't want to lose him. He hugs me when ever i leave and says he misses me over the weekend and tells my friends to convince me to hang out with him. What should i do?I need total relationship advice..... can you help?
Would you be interested in an Astrological reading? If you would please send me your birth date and his. Include the year. BTW it's free.I need total relationship advice..... can you help?
So, what does he do to piss you off? Could it be you are getting so upset about things that really don't matter much? What are your fights about? Tough to give advice with so little info:(
everybody fights...and if he know how to piss you off that means he knows you... just think of how your life would be without him and think about what you think is right

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