Saturday, August 21, 2010

I need some relationship advice!?

Alright so there is this girl that I like. I took her on a few dates and we really seemed to get along great. We never kissed but we did hold hands and we had a lot in common.

Well after about the 4rth date I'd decided I really liked her and wanted to have a relationship. (Keep in mind we're both 18 and Christian so we didn't do anything nor were we planning on doing anything)

At about this point she started to distance herself. She stopped texting me the cute ';hey you :)'; text messages and started coming up with excuses not to hang out. I decided the best thing to do was to give her some space and to not be overbearing. I even went on vacation for like two weeks and hardly talked with her.

Well after a while I decided that I would try again to get some communication going between us. After a few un-answered attempts I talked to one of her friends. Her friend says she has attachment issues and she felt like we were getting too close... so she decided to cut off all contact.

So yesterday I sent her a nice email telling her it's totally alright. But my point that I'm trying to get across is I miss this girl. Honestly I really liked her... Any advice?I need some relationship advice!?
i get u bro but a relationships don't work one-sided unfortunately, i say move on and if she realizes the mistake she made, im sure she would start back the communicationI need some relationship advice!?
dude, she cut off all contact because she does not want to get attached. move on. get a girl that wants to be attached to you. its funner that way. i'm sure you do miss her, but that will fade away.

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