Monday, August 23, 2010

For the experts: relationship advice. This is confusing.?

I started getting involved with this boy that I like. I was introduced to him by a mutual friend, and we hung out at my house. We talked about our interests over coffee, and I found that he likes the same things as me. In fact, we are really very extremely similar. So we kissed later that night. I expected nothing of it; we didn't really like eachother that much, so I didn't think anything would happen.

Instead, he messages me on Myspace the following morning.

I asked our mutual friend what this is, and why he's being so... interested, and he said he didn't know, because in all of his past relationships he didn't display this much interest. So I became excited, and we hung out more and more. We got to know eachother and realized we're similar. I eat lunch with him in school, and he introduced me to some of his friends which is unusual for him. He talks to me publicly, which is something else strange because he never does that for girls that he likes or is involved with. We continued to hook up, as well. Then, when I could barely take it, I told him that I like him. The only thing he said was ';I'm sorry,'; and then smiled. I convinced him to spend the night. Again, we talked for hours and he played me a song that he wrote for me himself on his guitar.

I thought everything was going great.

The next weekend, he slept over and we were talking about our futures. In was weird because we were talking as if we were a couple, but we aren't. So we hooked up later, and in the morning he left. Everything continued on as usual.

The thing that I'm extremely confused about is the fact that he keeps throwing these mixed signals at me. He constantly acts like he likes me, and he doesn't smile as much when he's not with me. I catch him staring often. We are really similar, and I think we would go great together. But when I said that I like him, he apologized, and now when I mention liking him he doesn't say anything at all.

I guess I would just like to get advice for this, and for anyone who knows a thing or two about hard to read guys what they think.

Thank you, and sorry it's so verbose.For the experts: relationship advice. This is confusing.?
Sounds like he wants to be with you but not totally commit, something is holding him back. Now the time you do spend together is quality right? If your enjoying each other i would see how this plays out...if you think its the hooking up thing, don't do it and see how her reacts.

If its just the (who who) he is after then part ways. I think him saying sorry about you liking him is either a smart asset remark, or dude is very defensive and its his way to block not having to deal with commitment.

You could ask him if he sees this going anywhere...if you bold enough :)

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