Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Please Help! Military Relationship Advice!?

Me and my girlfriend have been on a break for about 6 months she is still in high school in ohio and I moved to Florida to go to college. But was not successful at it she says she feels like she cant trust me because i tell her all these future plans and have not fullfilled any of them and she says she is scared im not gunna do anything with my life,(my dad is a huge loser so she is scared i will turn out like him)anyway i enlisted into the air force about 6 months ago and i leave november 25th im so scared but she says it will improve our relationship alot! and she will know that she can trust me and that im doing something with my life, Do You think going into the Air Force will improve her chances on being proud to be with me and want to be with me more etc thank you so much for your answers o ya we have been together 3 years and i know she is the one! and im not only going into the air force for her it really is something i want to do Please Help! Military Relationship Advice!?
My boyfriend is in the Army and it is weird to say but it has helped us. The distance between us made us realize how much we loved each other and how strong our relationship can be. He is leaving for deployment this week so this is jut another way to show how strong we are. This my show her that you are doing something with your life. BUT don't base your life on her. Thanks for serving and are are one of the strong men and women who make our country who we are!

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