Monday, August 23, 2010

I need some relationship advice please! :)?

Ok so my current boyfriend got out of a 2 year relationship a little less

than 2 months ago and I can't help but wonder if he's rebounding with me. It's a really sticky situation because his ex was one of my closest friends until she found out we were dating so I cant really ask either about it lol. Then she got mad at me because I know how she feels about him and promised we wouldn't date but oh well, can't help your feelings lol. Anyway we went to homecoming together as friends about a month ago, but he didn't even want to dance because he felt like it was too awkward. However we started texting after that and he asked me to date him. But I'm worried since it hasn't even been 2 months and he was still in love with her when they broke up. And they still talk 2-3 times a week since they want to be close friends. But it's not like long convos, its phone calls just like 5/10 minutes long to ';catch up'; on life. But they did talk on facebook for an hour yesterday, but me and him talked for 2 so i didnt mind. And she called him tonight but I guess they got into a big fight because she still doesn't know why the relationship ended, and he has no reasons to give. So I don't know if they're talking now or not. But I also heard they were still hooking up a week before he asked me out but idk for sure and even if it's true it could just be physical. But it worries me they still talk and want to be close friends, do you really think he got over her that fast or am I just a way to pass the time. He swears he has no feelings for her and likes me but it's weird they still talk, hang out, and used to hook up maybe. I guess like 2 weeks before he asked me out he was telling her that when she transfers colleges at semester they could hang out again and see where things go between them because they need space. He refuses to say they'll never get together again, he keeps saying maybe. But then again that could jsut be to make her happy? I just need opinions, should I break it off since I'm a rebound or stay in it bc he's really over her? Thanks so much!I need some relationship advice please! :)?
Hey! If I were you, I would check out this blog:


You can email in a question and a relationship expert will reply with advice for you. It is awesome! They really helped me out yesterday. It's completely anonymous. Good luck!I need some relationship advice please! :)?
Yes break it off asap!

I know how your friend and your boyfriend feels.

My x of 2 years broke up with me about 2 months ago. And the only reason its because he needs time for himself. And we still see each other and we still have strong feelings for each other. We don't know if we are gonna get back together. But most likely your boyfriend still has feelings for her, because its hard to get over someone of 2 years. They probably miss each other. Sorry to say this. They still have a thing for each other. He probably asked you out just to get over her, but it seems like it is not working. So break it off.

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