Saturday, August 21, 2010

I need relationship advice, please help!!?

I love my boyfriend more than I even knew I could love someone. But I feel I am giving so much more in this relationship. I know he loves me but by just saying he loves me just doesn't feel enough. I want him to show he cares but when I confront him about it he says he doesn't know what he is doing wrong. After two weeks of telling him I wanted him to show me but nothing changed, I told him I wanted to call it off. He kept saying give him another chance but I said no. It wasn't till he started crying saying I was breaking his heart I told him ok well lets give this another shot. Since then things haven't been the same. He is distant from me, and doesn't show his affection like he used to. Have I completely ruined everything? Please be honest and give me the hard straight truth if necessary.I need relationship advice, please help!!?
try giving subtle hints about what you want and how he should show his love for you. For example, if he opens a door for you, say something like, ';aww i love it when you do things like that for me'; and sometimes, guys don't really catch subtle so you might have to tell him straight out your needs.

Hope that helps!

Good Luck.

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