Monday, August 23, 2010

I need some good relationship advice hear?

I have been dating this girl for about a year. We have broken up and became friends, and then dated again. Now we are supposedly just friends, but the relationship has moved further now than it ever has before. We have become sexually active. Now this is my dilemma. She has a seperated husband and 2 kids with him. The reason we became friends is obvious. She is or was trying to work things out with him. He is kind of a jerk and is not really all that interested in working things out with her. And just recently she started taking a passionate liking to me. What I am trying to figure out is how to handle this situation. Do I just lay back and let her do what she needs to do. Bc honestly I like her. Or do I stop getting involved all together. I can't figure out what this girl is actually thinking. But just based on how passionate she was, she wasn't using me for sex. And she wants to do it again. I just don't want to be the end of a marriage, and I don't want to get hurt either. ThanksI need some good relationship advice hear?
Hi personally I would think twice about getting invoved with a married person. It's better to just be friends till the situation is resolved. Either she remains with her spouse or she doesn't. If you keep away at least you will not be ';blamed'; for the breakdown of a marriage. Another way to look at is this way. If this was your marriage, no matter how bad things were would you really want a third party to muddy the waters? Isn't better if the third party kept his distance so that you and your spouse can work things out? Even you decided to separate/divorce, if will be independant of a third party's influence. I think if this woman really loves you, she will eventualy come back to you after the marriage is over. But she should just focus of fixing her marriage (or deciding to end it) without hanging on to you for comfort. If she's the one, she will still come to you later. I think it doesn't hurt to give her space, but tell her why you are keeping away for the moment.

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