Monday, August 23, 2010

What would you do? Relationship advice needed?

My husband is military and I am prior service. The other day he had a few to many drinks and got very verbally abusive (names that a woman should never be called and threats of divorce) It ended up escalating to where he threatened to kill me so he could get custody of the kids. At that point in time I called the MP's on him and they came and took him away and there is a mandatory 72 hour no contact order. I have a meeting with his commander and such later this week to discuss things....He is telling mutual friends that he is sorry and that he regrets saying those things to me, but my big issue is that he has done very similar stuff before (never threatened to kill me though). What would you do? I need some advice, I care for him but I am to the point that I really can't say that I love him anymore. My heart is telling me one thing and my head is telling me another. I am thinking about separating from him but I am worried about how the children will handle it ( 3 1/2 year old boy and 6 month old boy) But I think separation would be better than subjecting them to growing up around stuff like that... *sigh* confused and need guidance....What would you do? Relationship advice needed?
you should go to a marriage counseling, separation, you should do it for yourself not because of the kids.What would you do? Relationship advice needed?
get some help and make it work.

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