Saturday, August 21, 2010

I need RELATIONSHIP advice from you guys, Please?

I began dating my GF 15 mos. ago. It was long distance, though we saw each other alot, so that was no problem. It was bliss between us and she called me all the time, did sweet and thoughtful things for me, wanted sex all the time, and was very much into me. At about 10 moved back and began acting slightly clingy/possessive, which I've never been before. She broke up w/ me for 1 month and we then got back together and have been ever since. Recently she has told me she is not happy, and has been trying to force it. This obviously hurt me since I care alot about her. She has not called as much, doesnt sound excited to talk to me, and is very business like sometimes. It is back and forth. I do alot for her and am always there. People have given me advice that I need to be less available, masculine, and become a challenge. My question is that I know this works initially but do you think this can help my relationship by a different approach. I want to do whatever it takes and need advice...I need RELATIONSHIP advice from you guys, Please?
It sounds like she enjoyed the freedom that a long distance relationship gave her...she had time to herself and she could plan time to spend with you. If you want to try and make the relationship work, you have to give her some freedom...but will that make YOU happy too? You have to make sure you aren't giving up everything you want just to make her happy because that won't work in the long run.I need RELATIONSHIP advice from you guys, Please?
girls are never happy..move on plenty of fish in the sea..
Dump her. The relationship is doomed.
So you have been told. do not be clingy or possessive. Be confident and when you go out be nice and ask her what or where but if she says it don't matter make the decision. She needs her time and you need yours. Be confident and do not smother her.
Playing games is never the answer. And that's the advice you say you've been getting. Another comment you made is that you want to do whatever it takes. This is not the answer either. When you get to that point, you end up losing yourself in the relationship. What I mean by that is that you end up trying to become who you think she wants you to be. Relationships have to be a give and take process, but to completely lose who you are is exactly what you should NOT do. The best thing to do is to have a serious, face to face conversation about where the relationship is going. If she is unwilling to do that, then I think you have your answer. I know it's hard, but sometimes you have to cut your losses and move on. On the other hand if she is willing to sit down and really talk it out, then you may have something to work with. Either way, be patient, and honest with her and with yourself. If it's meant to be, it will work out. If not, you can't force it. good luck, I hope it works out, and you both end up happy!
Sorry. Sounds like the relationship is over. It's O.K., there is always another one.
how about talking to her about it? see how she really feels. It would help you and the relationship... if she isnt into you and she tells you, im afraid its time for you to move on...TT im sorry but there are lots of girls that can give u more love..^^
Ellbow room? She needs lots of space as she is growing and females grow faster than males as such. Just let her go and wait till you are sure she will come back or will never come back. Stop expecting anything from her. Let her fly for she is honest to you and she needs you to let her became independent and mature person.

She needs your help by letting her go , help her. Be her friend. She needs you.
However strange it might sound but if you like being attentive and close in a relationship then that's just who you are. You can not change who you are but you can change partners to find somebody who likes your attention and closeness.

Never change yourself to please a partner: change of partner to please yourself!
you just have to give it time and im sure things will work out for the both of you.
it won't resolve officially unless you saw each other face to face talk to her what seems to be the problem why she begun cold at you.. then try to settle it. if its the time or maybe she'll making an excuses try to figure out whats the real score between you and her....
Give her time and space.

When I first met my husband he was the same way. He smothered me. I was happy on one hand that he cared for me but on the other he was not giving me the time I needed for myself.

He backed off when I told him it was either that or I wouldn't see him anymore. When he did that it allowed me to see him in a different light.

I actually started to miss him . We worked it out and got married.

She can't force what she doesn't feel. But maybe if you let her go she may find it is you she wants or that she was right and it isn't going to work out.

I know it hurts but all you can do it wait. But while you are waiting go out with friends and have some fun . If she decides that you are what she really wanted then great. But if she says she is happier without you at least you will have moved on and can start living your life.

I would rather be alone then with someone that doesn't want me. Think of all the things you can do with more time on your hands. And with summer right around the corner there will be plenty of young girls just looking for a great guy like you.

Best of luck either way.
Try spacing yourself out. When shes not around go out with the guys and have fun. Give her some space as well. Take a couple nights and spend with her every week and the rest of the time have fun. Give it a few months and if she still feels the same yall need to break up and move on in your lives.
So, in other words, your friends ar telling you to PLAY GAMES!!

Why be someone your NOT? I don't like their advice.

How about just not call. Carry on with life. She came right out and said she's not happy. Let her try and find her own happiness. If she doesn't call that often any more and is business like, this should be telling you, she's not into you much at all if any any more.

Learn to see Red Flags and watch the signs!!!

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