Monday, August 23, 2010

Need help with relationship advice? Thanks?

Why do some guys who are in their young 20's propose or get married with knowing their girlfriend for 3-4 months only, and some wait for a few years. My best friend her husband proposed to her in 4 months and they have been married for 4 yrs now and very happy. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 yrs and no proposal yet. I want him to know I don't want to wait forever and let him know this is important to me. What are some cute down to earth ways to bring up you are ready for marriage and would like a proposal and try to motivate him or things to say to make him think about it without seeming forceful?Need help with relationship advice? Thanks?
just bring up the subject when you two are having a really close conversation about the future. ask him what kind of wedding he dreamt about as a child and ask him where he sees you two in the next 5 years.Need help with relationship advice? Thanks?
puh-leeeeeze do not ask him ';where is our relationship going?'; Just tell him straight up ';Marriage is important to me. Is it important to you?'; Reasons to kind of back up that scary statement IS important! ';All of my friends are getting married and I'm feeling like I'm not keeping up with them.'; ';I think I'd look great in a white dress.'; are NOT good reasons. ';I want to spend the rest of my life with you and your smelly socks'; IS a good reason. By the way, IS spending the rest of your life with this particular person your goal? Or is it acheiving a milestone? Think carefully about your reasons for wanting to be married. If more folks considered the consequences of their actions there'd be less divorces.
In casual conversation ask him where he sees the two of you in the future as in 1 or 2 years. If he says he doesn't know then maybe you should just ask him if he's planning on getting married and if so to who and when.
Try reading this free e-book called 97 steps to a happy relationship. I've read it (a while ago) and I still think about the advice given in it.

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