Monday, August 23, 2010

What do you think? (Relationship Advice)?

Ok, so I found a ban receipt in my car from WAMU. I have never banked with them, I have always banked with Bank of America or Wells Fargo. The bottom of the receipt said; ';Thanks, Jasmine';. Now, I let my boyfriend use my car to drop me off at work a couple of times, and I also know his ex is named Jasmine as well as his sister in law. I asked the sister in law, has she ever banked with them, and she told me no. The receipt is from August of LAST year, I just bought my car in August of THIS year. Do you think that he had his ex in my car or what. (We were together last year as well.) Then he also told me that his best friend has a little cousin named Jasmine and maybe he had her receipt in his pocket, and he don't know who's it could be. Please help, I don't know what to believe.What do you think? (Relationship Advice)?
I think that his ex was definitely in the car, but that's just my opinion. Only you really know his character. However, in this situation, I would advise you to trust your gut instincts and womanly intuition. It very rarely steers you wrong. Good luck hun.What do you think? (Relationship Advice)?
First of all you shouldn't ask around. Do you really trust him? Maybe you should just ask him. Why haven't you asked him? are you afraid of his answer? Its better to know the truth than to be suspicious. For all you know there is nothing to worry about.

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