Saturday, August 21, 2010

I need a ';relationship'; advice?

I went out with this guy on two dates. It was clear that it is going to be no strings although no ground rules were set. I'm well aware that it's early on in this process but I thought it would be a great experience to rid myself of being needy and all that crap. However, I've been having the feeling that I want to spend more time with him because I like the way I am around him. I don't really know what to do- I'm not sure I'm capable of making him like me and I really want him to start liking me for who I am. What should I do?I need a ';relationship'; advice?
You need to resist the urge to seem needy, as you already know. If anything be aloof and distant, but not too distant. Men always want what they are not sure they have. This will keep him around long enough to find out what he is really like and if the two of you are actually compatible. At this point you really don't know him that well, so just keep the relationship as is until you find out if you really want to date him.I need a ';relationship'; advice?
You can start by being friends with him just like you said, no strings attached.

So just treat him as your friend in the meantime and tell him once in a while that you want him to come with you for some work or any excuse, just come up with something.

If he's the one who wants to go out with you then he'll tell you and go out with him.

Then after being friends tell him you like him more than that and ask him if he likes you back romantically?!

Anyway good luck and I hope this helps! ^__^
Oh my BF I am got started like that...we dated casual for about 6 months then we became more exclusive...We would both go out on Sat. night with our friends but not hook up with others- this is the best relationship I have ever been in because things progressed naturally we didn't force patient and allow things to progress they will if they are meant to-otherwise enjoy the free dinners and drinks..LOL

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
There is really nothing you can do except to be yourself. And if that doesn't work with him, then think of it this way. He's the one losing out!!!!!!
well try just casually talking and see where it takes u. the worst thing u can do is be too pushy

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