Saturday, August 21, 2010

I need some relationship advice please?

So last week my girlfriend (who I live with) told me that she is confused and that she needed some space. I tried to stay away from her as much as possible the next couple of days. We finally hung out on saturday. That night she told me that she was really glad I respected her space. She told me she loved me but she still wanted space. She had me hold her a couple of times.

Then, last night she told me that its been hard on her and it just makes her want me more. But then she said in a joking manner that I cant love her for the next three days and vice versa. She said she is too young to be in love (22 years old). I think she is just looking for a way to break up with me so she can travel and do her own thing.

What the hell is that? I am getting sick of just waiting around for her decision. It makes me seem to desperate. I love her but this is just making me angry/sad/annoyed

What are you thoughts on what is going on?I need some relationship advice please?
Wow, there has to be some kind of reason behind all of this. You should sit her down and tell her to tell u what the heck is going on. I feel sorry for you because my boyfriend confuses the crap out of me too. :)

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