Saturday, August 21, 2010

I need serious relationship advice. Can anyone help me?

I know that you can't give me the answers. Advice would help tho. I have been with my bf for a year and a 1/2. We have had problems since we have been together for three months. I have tried to break it off with him, but I am guilted easily. He's a really nice guy that always compliments me and all the sweet stuff.

The issue that I am having is that I am 20 yrs old and a student; I have hardly ever dated and would like to have that opportunity to be a 20 yr old. I don't plan on being married until I am out of school and have started my career. I believe in wanting to improve myself based on what I want.

He is almost 24 yrs old. He has a college degree that he doesn't use. He bought a truck bc he wanted one and didn't care that it wasn't gas efficient. He has at least $30k worth of debt and works a $10/hr job. He wants to marry me now; Is content with staying where he is forever; believes as long as we love each other it will all be ok. I don't know what I should do. End it or what?I need serious relationship advice. Can anyone help me?
You sound like you are not happy with the way things are going in this relationship. Look at your feelings without allowing the word, ';should,'; into any of your sentences (this could help with the guilt thing). Then try to attach them to what you need. I do not know what you hopes, dreams and needs are, but it does not sound like committing to an early marriage is among them.

Once you know your own state, be honest and tell this person what you need, and how those needs aren't being met. There is no guilt here, only saving yourself, and your boy friend a lot of pain in the future.I need serious relationship advice. Can anyone help me?
well its sounds to me that you are matture and can make the right decision when it comes down to it. but i think that if you guys fight alot, and anything else ten its probably best to end it. and if you are wanting to be single and you are just staying with him cause you want to feel wanted and needed then that isnt a good enough reason and you should leave him.

maybe date around for a little bit until you know what you want in life. and then if hes willing to be there for you after you are done with school, then maybe he is the one you are meant to be with.

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