Monday, August 23, 2010

Experienced people, what relationship advice would you give the young?

Time and time again I see questions posted on Yahoo answers regarding relationship problems that younger people are experiencing. At the ripe old age of 32, I find myself either chuckling or reminiscing about a similar situation I had at a younger age.

Knowing what you know now with regards to love/relationships, what would you tell someone younger or less experienced?

Me :

1) No, it is not the end of the world, you will get over him/her.

2) Yes, there ARE others out there.

3) Don't settle for fear of being alone.

4) Affairs don't make for good relationships

5) Don't expect him to leave her for you.

6) Don't ruin your dreams for him/her.Experienced people, what relationship advice would you give the young?
how to mend their broken hearts how to make them optimistic how to forget the past how to live on the present and looking forward to the the future.Experienced people, what relationship advice would you give the young?

let small things go

don't settle for less

your probably not in love at 15.

wait for the one

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