Saturday, August 21, 2010

I need serious relationship advice?

okay so this is how it is, i think i've fallen in love with my female best friend. i really want to ask her out, because i really think she likes me back. she told me a long time ago she did, but now she has a bf. and i kinda have a bf too, but he's about to break up with me for someone else anyway. so my ?'s are:

should i ask her out?

should i just tell her how i feel?

how should i tell other people if we so start dating?

(we live in south carolina, not the most accepting of same sex relationships)

it's really upsetting me.I need serious relationship advice?
awh. i would start out by telling her how you feel, because she's in a relationship right now and that might shake things up with her boyfriend. tell her how you feel for sure, as for telling other people you need to figure this. you love who YOU love, people should get over it because thats their own problem. (:

good luck girl !I need serious relationship advice?
You might want to be a bit careful since this girl already has a bf..

So don't ask her out right away, but you might want to tell her how you feel first and go from there.

Just get together with her some time and have a talk alone to tell her your feelings and thoughts.

Once you know for certain if she likes you back or not, then you can ask her out. If you end up dating, you don't have to worry about telling other people. Because really, it's no one else's business but yours.
so let me get this straight real quick ur r homo the grl u lke told u she lked u and has not 4 tht type of stuff.....
just tell her how you feel. if you ever want a chance thats the only way

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