Monday, August 23, 2010

Goodbye my almost lover?relationship advice?

Goodbye, my almost lover

Goodbye, my hopeless dream

I'm trying not to think about you

i am not trying to leave him

this is the story

'm 13 i like this guy who is 13 turning 14 who lives 10-12 hours away i knew him for 2 years he moved in october and we r really close now he's basically like my boyfriend but i miss him alot i saw him over spring break i stayed w/ his family 4 2 days i

like him he asked me to be his girlfriend and i said i guess

i text him everyday and myspace msg him alot but its not the same as him being here with me and i REALLY miss him i cried when he left and still do sometimes i can't visit him alot because of the distance and time difference i can't call him alot

please give advice .. i can't take being without him its hardGoodbye my almost lover?relationship advice?
I love that song sooo much. I cry when I heard it because I could relate soo much. I don't think what you are going through has the same theme as the song though but....

You can see him on vacations, call him, text him, etc etc.... there's not much I can tell you, just pretty much the usual. But you're only 13, you have so much to do with your life than think about a boy all day. And if he doesn't work out there will be PLENTY to come.Goodbye my almost lover?relationship advice?
I think at your age, it would be better to be friends. You don't need the stress of a long distance relationship when you're 13 (I don't think they're ever worth the stress at any age!); you've got so much of your life ahead of you. Why do you want to put it on hold when it's so hard?
i know EXACTLY how you feel girl! i know its hard but you just gota work through it. here is a few tips: call instead of texting. also, arrange weekend trips if possible
wait until your older u will understand better. Nothing right now is going to work out.

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