Saturday, August 21, 2010

Long Distance Relationship Advice?

My girlfriend of 5 1/2 months has just started her final exams and is preparing emotionally for her graduation. She is under a lot of stress at the moment and trying to juggle several emotionally charged areas at once. I received an email from her a day or two ago stating that she - ';needs to take time to re-evaluate if this relationship is working for the both of us, and wether or not we're both moving foward.';

I personally am hoping that her doubt is a direct result of all the stress she is currently under and that once she is past those two things, she'll have the time to focus on the relationship and realise how much we do truly care about one-another.

I know that for now, all I can to is wait and hope. I just wish I could be a little more informed and help her with this re-evaluation as well, given that its not just her in this relationship - its me as well.

We both, up until recently, have considered this as a long term relationship that will continue. Please help anyway you can.Long Distance Relationship Advice?
beam me up LUKE!!Long Distance Relationship Advice?
I had a LDR love for 1 year and 4 months. Every thing seemed to be going fine. Then one day she sent me a message telling me that her phone was disconnected and said that she had to keep working for money -- she sounded overwhelmed. :( I told her that I was there to support her as her voice of reason or to help her financially if necessary. I had not heard from her in a month, but I remained in high spirits, because I was working on going to see her two months from that moment, which was January 2008.

December 2007 came and she told me that times have been rough and she felt as if our relationship wouldn't work so there. While I was heartbroken from what she said, I was more hurt that I couldn't be there to comfort her and keep her hopeful through her down times. I never heard back from her regarding my trip.

My advice to you, if possible, is to talk to your loved one if she has her doors open to you. If you are able to, attend her graduation -- show her that you care. I believe that would lift her spirits high, because during difficult times we look for the ones that we truly love to be there for us.

If not for the relationship, at least do it for your friendship before she graduates and finds a shoulder that is closer to her to cry on. Granted, it may never be too late, because rebound relationships never work too well, but it would hurt to see your love go down that path.
Hard to say what is going on. It sounds sort of like she has met someone else and is trying to decide which of the two of you she is interested in. I think she may be softening you up for the ';Dear John';.
Ask her out right if she sees any future in the relationship, if she does take a back seat until her exams are over. If she feels unsure, then move on maybe shes met someone else and dont know how to break the news
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