Saturday, August 21, 2010

Need Gay Relationship Advice?

Some background: I am now a senior in college. Age 22. Male. Gay. I have never been in a real, long-term relationship but I have been with many men. My nicknames (lovingly) are ';Maneater'; and ';Number One Ho.'; :)

Last summer I was interning in a major city. In mid July, I met a boy and still cannot get him out of my head. We slept together 3 times, and had a few dates. On July 31, I went abroad and then back to school a few weeks later. We are both very busy, and have only been talking on the phone and messaging occasionally. It is now late November, and I have not moved on. I have been dating, sleeping with other men, and trying to forget. But I can't. I think about him daily. And I miss him.

Advice? Am I in love? What is this? Need Gay Relationship Advice?
Hmmmm... it sounds like you're attached to him! You should give him a call and try to get together some time.

Good luck, ignore the ignorant flamers %26lt;3Need Gay Relationship Advice?
Have you been with enough guys now that you would be willing to slow down a bit and join yourself to one very hot boy?

Because yeah, your soul and body are calling out for him. I hear a possible good energy connection. If he feels the same something out to build a real, long-term relationship.

Your deep care for him and constant thinking of him are clear signs that you are on the verge of falling in love big-time, and if he is on the same page, it will happen.

Good luck!
I have lost a very close love once and all you can do is move on with your life, i still think about my exlover every single day but that cant stop teh rest of your life. Try to have fun and if you two are meant for eachother then one day you will be together.

the people who answer questions in the LGBT saying that it;s wrong section make me want to hit people

whyyy the hell are you answering questions if you're just going to be a dumbass.


but anyway i think that you might be in love.


try to see him as much as possible.

and talk to him every chance you get.

First of all ignore all the hateful people who are going to answer...It could be possibly that you're in love. Even if you're not, you obviously want to see this guy again. If you miss him and think about him daily figure out a way to see him. Then you'll know whether you love him or not.
Why don't you try one of those things you haven't tried yet? What did you call it? A long-term relationship? If it doesn't work, that's OK. Chalk it up to experience. If it DOES work, be thankful you gave it a chance because you found your man!

Good luck.
hey i think your in love and you should tell him and ask how he feels.. then either you can be with him or forget him...
your falling in love.
Sounds like you are in love with this guy as you think about him daily you miss him all the time heck sounds like me when im at work for the eight hours im away from my partner..First thing stop sleeping with a bunch of guys and go after this guy you love becouse if you dont you may regret letting this one guy go for the rest of your life as he just might be the one for you and they do not come around often...Talk to him and let him know your feelings for him or ask him a bunch of questions about relationships to see if he is even interested in having one or even likes them in the first place and go from there but you really really need to talk to him and get your feelings out or your going to be misserable for a long time..Good Luck hope it works out for ya...
'what is this ' wrong !

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