Saturday, August 21, 2010

I need relationship advice from someone who knows what their talking about.?

Ok so my boyfriend and I broke up on Monday, after 7 and a half months. Im devistated. He did it and then 5 minutes later calls me back to see if im ';ok';. I WASNT! He broke my heart and all he could keep saying was that he was sorry. Why did this happen you may ask? We fought to much he said. Sure we would get into arguments and it would sometimes make me sad. He HATED seeing me sad, over anything. He claims i was just sad all the time. Seeing me sad made him in turn become sad. He also stopped carring about me. EX: Didn't want to hold my hand, hug, or kiss me. His excuse was that he wasnt in the mood. I couldnt be happy knowing he did care so him not carring didnt make anything better. He said he was drained and just wanted me to be happy and he wants to be happy. I keep telling him we can work through this and change. So he has given me a kinda chance. We gonna be friends and see how that goes. Then a relationship MAY come again. Am i an idiot for doing this?Is he just gonna hurt me?I need relationship advice from someone who knows what their talking about.?
ok so i know exactly were you are coming from, me and my boyfriend are the exact same way, always fighting over little things, and its normal for girls to get upset or sad. if he isnt willing to change then you shouldnt put your heart through this and kiss his *** again! its not fair to you! if you thing that it will last and you guys can look past your differences and stop fighting than i dont think that you will be hurt, but also in the end its your decision, you know him better than enyone else, if it was me though, i would have said peace out to him the time he stopped showing you affection, thats very important in a relationship, and thats his bad, no yours! hope that helped!! %26lt;3I need relationship advice from someone who knows what their talking about.?
Sounds like neither of you have been happy for a while. Neither were getting what they wnated out of the relationship. Maybe this is a blessing for you. Definately need to get past this and move on. It's hard to be friends with exes especially right after a break up. You need to be in a relationship where all of your needs are being met.
Yes. Being friends is something that comes after the break up phase is over and you no longer want to be with the person. From what you said, he is done with the relationship, and is just hanging around out of guilt. Do yourself a favor, and move on.
Truthfully, he sounds like a nice and caring guy who just got tired of all the drama and frigging sadness. Who wants that? Guy want a smiling, happy girl ... he doesn't want to go ten rounds like a boxer with his girl . I think he is moving on, and really you can't just '; be friends'; when you've already had a relationship. He has stopped caring... he didn't even want to touch you anymore... that should be a big sign to you that it is over. What guy is not '; in the mood';? All I have to do is walk by in a pair of shorts and my guy is in the mood. Yes, you will continue to be hurt if you try to hang on. It's not going to happen. But life will go on, I promise.

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