Saturday, August 21, 2010

A little relationship smart asses please?

I've been with my girl friend for over a year, we fell for eachother and all that. We spent so much time together, made so many memories. With the girls I've dated, none have ever made me feel this way. Now that you get the picture, I'll explain my situation. Alright, well one day we were in her room and her mom, ';walked in on us'; as we were about to do it. I honestly don't think this was the motive for her to keep us from each other because we saw each other after that with her knowing, but out of no where, she with drew her from the school that we go to and moved her to another part of the state. The trouble is, that she's 16 and I am now there is nothing I can do but wait until she's of age. But the problem is, her family that she's staying with doesn't allow us to communicate, so we basically have no means of talking. It seems like it's going to be a long two years, especially without communication. It's been this way since November, it's been hard, I've been feeling short of breath and depressed, honestly to the point of giving in. My advice is, what do you think the best thing to do is?A little relationship smart asses please?
My advice is, if you want to wait, then wait bro. If not then explain your situation to your gf if possible..I'm sure things will ultimately work out in the end. And I definitely respect you on waiting until she turned 18 to do anything.

good luck broA little relationship smart asses please?
dont stressed yourself..your time will come and solutions might just pop up..for now play with them but you sure can find a way to communicate..';if there's a will there is a way';..try it..good luck
Can you communicate through the internet, like maybe myspace or something? Basically her mom freaked and in a fanatical bid to keep her daughter's innocents removed her from you. Two years seems like an eternity at your age. But the reality is there is no way to tell if she won't find someone else. On top of that, just because she turns 18 doesn't mean she can just magically get in touch with you. She also need to be able to move back to where you are, or you move there.

My opinion is that you deal with the emotional pain in a constructive way. Talk about it and let yourself feel that emotion, don't hide it. But at the same time don't let it control you. You still need to live your life. So stay focused on that. And in the mean time maybe start saving money so that when she does turn 18, you'll be more financially stable and capable of supporting her, at least long enough for her to contribute yourself.

The other reality you need to face is that basically your girl friend's mom ended the relationship. In all likeliness, it will be extremely hard to maintain a relationship or continue with one later on. Its probably best to deal with your broken heart and move on in life. Maybe at some point, you two will be able to reconnect. Just don't count on it.
Try your best to find out where she lives. If you know her relatives or best friends, try obtaining info. Once you succeed, send her a letter via air mail. Use someone else's name and address as the sender (preferably her friend's, arrange a deal with this friend) so that it won't raise suspicions. Even better, make it look like a formal document, not a personal letter, so her family won't meddle with it.

Good luck.

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