Monday, August 23, 2010

Desperatly in need of relationship advice?

My boyfriend of three years and I found out we were expecting in June. At first he wasn't very pleased but within a few weeks he came around to the idea. He does all the regular things-rubs my belly, talks to the baby and tells it he loves it.

I'm now 17 weeks along. We got into an argument over something stupid and he got really angry. I apolgized and admitted to overreacting but appearently the damage was done and he decided to break up with me. When I was trying to talk to him and get him to be rational he called me a stupid b**** and told me hated me.

Now this isn't the first time he's broken up with me. He's done in a few times since June but I've always managed to talk him out of it and get him to see sense, but this time I'm not so sure if I want to.

What would you do in this situation? I need all the advice I can get.Desperatly in need of relationship advice?
Well, I think the way he is acting is inexcusable. After being together 3 years, the first thing he should have done is proposed to you after finding out you two were expecting. If he didn't do that, I don't believe he wants to be with you for the long haul. If you have to convince him to stick around, this will all not turn out well. I know this is the last thing you want to hear, but it is honestly the truth.

Do you have a lot of family support? You will surely need it.

I would keep this break up a definite and just explain to him that he needs to be there for his child. You two can work on a friendship, but for now, you can't handle the stress of his up and down mood swings.

Sorry to hear about all this. Good luck to you.Desperatly in need of relationship advice?
I think its time for you to be on your own without him. If later, and i mean LATER not 2 weeks later, you decide you get back together then so be it , but right now I think you should spend some time thinking if this is a stable, loving, relationship you want your baby to grow up witnessing.

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