Monday, August 23, 2010

Can someone give me relationship advice?

I have been going out with a girl for 4 months and I am not one of those people who throw out I love yous so I'm not going to say I'm in love with her but I do have very strong feelings for her. I live in a small town. Everybody know everybody and I happen to have a somewhat close friendships with her friends and I am always aware of the things she say to them about me and how she feels. I am also very good at reading her and there is only a few things I have yet to figure out. Now I am going to state some of my issues and concerns. All I am really looking to get out of this is a few suggestions and opinions. Now lets set a foundation on how I should be viewed. I am very loyal, I do not think, look at, or flirt with any girls. When girls try to talk and flirt with me I always feel obligated to lay down the fact that I have a girlfriend. I'm very open with my girlfriend, and I can honestly say I have never Lied to her. Now I am going to explain what she is like. She is simply unique in her own ways. It was her uniqueness that attracted me to her along with her beauty. I later realized that she was different from most of the girls at my school. She Is a leader not a follower. Now I am a 16 year old male. So if any older individuals are reading this please feel free to bestow you knowledge on me. It will be much appreciated. This involve physical intimacy. I'm a virgin. She is also. It seems a lot of people my age have sex quite often. It even seems that most guys will use girls for it and play them. I am not like that am I would be fine if she wasn't ready but I'm about to explain the issue that I am faced with. When we first started dating there was a ';thing'; going on between her and her bestfriend because they both liked me. I feel that there is way to much to type but I apologize but I am going to try to make this as short as possible. Here it goes. Her friend liked me and her friend was unaware that she liked me to . But she is a very shy person and she was never going to talk to me. So the move was made and in about a month we began to date. It seemed that she liked me a lot. Kissing was what we usually did when we were alone and it felt right. We have always liked to cuddle. It came to a point where my sexual organ started to get a mind of its own butv of course I was not going to suggest that we move things to the next step. One day we were kissing and I guess she sensed that I wanted to do more and she stopped me from kissing her and she said what else do you want to do. I said that it didn't matter and that all I wanted to do was kiss or watched TV. So she kept on asking so I said I don't know what else we could do. I guess I can. I stopped and looked down at her pants and she said oh that and I said yeah but it doesn't matter to me if we don't move on right now, so I cuddled up with her and we took a nap. Lets say about a week later. She came over to my house and we started kissing and she said I know you want to do more. So I started moving my fingers on her pants on a certain area which I don't think is necessary to say. A few minutes later her mom called to pick her up. A few days after that we were on her couch and she was wearing a thong and I saw it and said something like ohhh yeahhhh are you going to wear one of these when you come over to my house. She said she would. A few days later she same over. It was dark. Her shirt came off, her body was felt by me, pants we pulled down. I made a move on her sexual organ ( sorry if I sound pg-rated. I just think it should be kept clean online) and after that I got her to start acting upon my sex organ with her hands and about 20 seconds into it her mom called to pick her up. Now this had big effect on the way i started thinking. I was thinking that thing were going to start happening. I was kind of looking forward to the fact that it was possible I might be able to lose my virginity to someone I had strong feelings for. That night it felt like she didn't enjoy any of it. Since then we have done nothing. I don't know what to think because she is the one who pushed me doing stuff to and with her. Weeks before we did that stuff she was asked by her nosy friend if she would have sex with me. She said yes. I don't know why she stopped. She knows it bothers me. She doesn't talk about feelings or problems until I bring them up. Shes to closed off. I haven't even mentioned how bad she treats me. I haven't mention how inconsiderate she is. I haven't mentioned that she finds it funny to tease me and touch my lower legs. To add another thing. Just a few days ago she told her friend ( her friend that is bestfriends with me) that she thinks penises are gross and to not tell me because I'd probably get mad. There are just so many issues that I have with her. So many other girls are into me. I am going to end it here. There is so much detail that would take me hours to write. THANKS FOR READINGCan someone give me relationship advice?
Using paragraphs may help you find a girlfriend.

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