Monday, August 23, 2010

I need a little relationship advice... again. please?

first off i would like to mention this is an internet relationship.

please don't say anything if you are just going to criticize that.

ok, to the point.

i have been seeing this boy for a while now, and we have both decided we love eachother. we have a few problems, but there always are in a relationship.

there is one thing though, in particular, that bothers me a lot, and we can't seem to work around it. it's very difficult for us to open up to one another. for me it's more of a habit, and i can tell him whats wrong if i want to.

for him though he pretty much just can't. he's afraid to talk to me, to anyone. he keeps everything bottled up. the only way he knows to release it is to cut.

i don't want him to do that, and i really want him to be able to talk to me.

but the more i push the harder it gets for him to talk. but in the other hand, if i don't it works the same. he thinks i don't care.

idk what to do.

how can i get him to talk to me without pushing him, or making him think that i don't care about him.

i love him very much, and i'm scared for him. what can i say? what do i need to do here?I need a little relationship advice... again. please?
I think it is best if you talk to him one to one. If that does not work then maybe you want to ask someone like his family or something because this is a very dangerous thing. If you love him then you would ask someone for help because you can't let him cut all the time because that is not healthy. I guess he just can't tell you any of his problems because maybe he is just too shy to say it or maybe because he is embarrassed of what your going to react to to what he have to say. Tell him that you love him and that he means something to you and that he shouldn't think for a second that you don't care about him when you actually do. Tell him that he needs help and that you are always to be there by his side helping him no matter what because you love him and you care deeply about him and your guys situation. I need a little relationship advice... again. please?
i think if you open up to him more. if he feels like you trust him with a secret he can probably trust you

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