Saturday, August 21, 2010

I need relationship advice!!?

So me and my boyfriend have been having alot of relationship issues recently, and we spoke about it last night. He was upset that I wrote him an email letting him know we were at different levels in this relationship, and that I needed some time to think if this is what I wanted. I never meant to hurt him, but instead, I wanted to be honest with him. Granted I know now I should of told him in person, but felt better writting an email in which I could indicate everything I was feeling. A couple of days later, I called him, and he was upset because he thought we had broken up, and that he would of preffered to talk about that in person. We both apologized to each other and began to talk about our issues and why we felt the way we felt. He told me that he is in a stage of his life where he is impatient, and anything that annoys him, he begins to not care. He did say that he cares about me, but that the whole issues that we were having were annoying him because we kept going back to them. He said that eventually he will come out of this stage, but that right now, thats where he is at, and that it has nothing to do with me. He said he still wants to be with me, but that I needed to understand he can't be ';lovey dovey'; and that he is just at this point in his life.

I do love him, and want to be with him, but I just wonder what this all means..Im so confused, and any REAL answers (especially from MEN) would help.I need relationship advice!!?
stay away!

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