Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I need some relationship advice or opinions , what would you do in my situation ?

I just returned to my Exboyfriend (now boyfriend) after about a month of being broken up .

Reasons for the breakup vary but initially he broke up with me because he didnt love me and conffesed affairs ,habits and, partying behind my back .

Halloween night I was surprised to find him at my front step as i was getting home from some parties around 3a.m. , FYI he doesnt drive , he rode his bike and i dont live in the greatest neighborhood nor does he . His intention was to get me back , which after serious consideration on my part , he did .

The condition was that he had to show me why i should stick around , hey everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance , not easily but none the less.

NOW Im not sure if I am handeling this relationship the right way .

I havent had any pysical contact ( kissing cuddling ect.) through that period of time i was single with anyone , so now that i have someone to fill that space im loving the huging holding hands and makeing out ...

I copied and pasted this from a relationship website :

';It is important that you avoid physical preoccupation';

Question :

In reguards to the quote is there any turning back ?

What do I do?


Thanks , I will choose a best answer and add a thumbs up to your answer . Thank you !I need some relationship advice or opinions , what would you do in my situation ?
sit this guy down (when you're both sober), somewhere and at some time when you're not going to be interrupted. tell him that, if you're going to give this relationship another chance, it's going to be on your terms, and your terms are --

minimal physical contact. hand holding is okay. walking down the street arm-in-arm is okay. light kissing is okay. chaste cuddling is okay (i'm talking about the kind of cuddling that happens when you're on the sofa, watching tv %26amp; you lean back against him %26amp; he puts his arms around you.)

sleeping over is not okay. not even if you're both fully dressed and remain so. (since you've already be intimate, this would present an easy opportunity to break your own rules. after all, you already know that you like (to use a metaphor) the candy in the box, but it's not time to unwrap it yet. heavy kissing/petting is not okay (not even over clothes %26amp; while fully dressed -- again, the candy metaphor applies.)

in fact, any behavior that could lead to unwrapping the candy box is not okay.

basically, what you're saying is that it's time to get to know each other as people, not as sexual partners. you want to spend time with him doing things that Aren't Boinking. and while you're doing that, he can be proving that his former behavior (cheating, partying, %26amp; undesoreable habits) are not okay. he has to build trust with you and in order to do that, he needs to be completely transparent - people with nothing to hide hide nothing. (that looks odd written down, but it's true.)

you need to spend time finding out what you have in common (other than the fact that he's got an Outie and you've got an Innie.) movies, discussion of movies over coffee and dessert, shopping (mutual shopping -- not dragging him along while you patrol the racks at Forever 21. i mean things like going to a flea market, a bookstore (if either one of you is into reading (and, personally, i hope you both are), then used bookstores are *great* -- you separate into different sections according to interest %26amp; then go to a cafe afters to show each other your treasures (can you tell what my husband and i like to do?)

where was i? oh, yeah -- mutual shopping. try a farmer's market, where you get all sorts of fresh stuff and then go home and figure out what to make of it (while you're in the used bookstore, pick up some cookbooks.) you can introduce each other to your own pleasures -- maybe he likes to take his dog to the park and play frisbee %26amp; he could include you in that (if you're like me, 10 years later, you'll still be trying to learn how to throw a frisbee.)

and *NO* boinking until you're sure that he's worth the risk.

notice how many of the things i'm suggesting are couples only kind of stuff. the two of you need to spend time learning about each other, and *you* need to know if he can spend time with one girl without feeling the urge to go find another one for extracurricular activity.

you can go to parties, but i'd suggest that you choose the ones that are more about people sharing time and less about ';how drunk can you get and how fast can you do it?';

if he's willing to abide by these terms, then you've got someone who's worth a second chance. if he's not, you've efficiently saved yourself some future agony and heartbreak.

good luck.I need some relationship advice or opinions , what would you do in my situation ?
so why doesn he want you back now? al of a sudden he felt in love with you? please if you want the huging and kissing and all that stuff, get another guy, there's a lot. and the riding the bike to your house, honey I am married and I am 25 I married ad 19 and my husband tells me that a guys would do whatever it takes to get laid. so watch out and see if he shows he actually loves you with acts not just word cuz anyone can say it and not mean it, and sex, no sex with him cuz you never know if that is the reason why he wants to be back with you, honey guys are pigs, all guys no exeption.

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